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Launcher.exe is not working



Every time I try to run the Technic launcher it pops up with a window that says "Checking launcher version" then closes and doesn't open again. I don't have Avg or Norton and I have tried the .jar.

I have Windows 7 64 bit, and I updated my java to 64 bit.

Please help!!!

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this is a Java issue. The most common cause is using 32 bit Java. If your Operating system is 64 bit,

make sure you update to the latest 64 bit version of Java. Links on www.technicpack.net.

If your Operating System is 32 bit, you will most likely have to just use the .jar version until another

solution is available. Go to .techniclauncher and there should be a .jar in there. If not then download

it from www.technicpack.net. Read further up the list for how to determine the bit version of your OS or JAVA.

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My system is 64 bit and so is java I just downloaded it saturday. Also this is a really nooby question but what version of minecraft is the technic pack for right now?

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My system is 64 bit and so is java I just downloaded it saturday. Also this is a really nooby question but what version of minecraft is the technic pack for right now?

Stables are for 1.1, Technic Dev builds and vanilla are 1.2.3. The launcher downloads a new version and does nothing with the one in .minecraft.

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Same problem here, specs are Win 7 Ultimate 64bit and running Java 7 64 bit. All last updated today but the normal launcher.exe doesn't work.

I got it working via the .Jar file in the %appdata% but this is not normal of course.

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It doesn't matter what version MC is for the launcher to launch, it does for when you run a game since if say minecraft is 1.3 and the patcher is to patch 1.2.3 to 1.1 then it will not work. But the launcher should still launch and would just say download failed when you tried and run a mod.

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Well I downgraded minecraft and downloaded the technicpack again but it is still just saying "Checking launcher version" uggggg.

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I am going to try and downgrade minecraft. We'll see if i have any luck.


Well I downgraded minecraft and downloaded the technicpack again but it is still just saying "Checking launcher version" uggggg.

Of course that didn't work, it downloads the current version from minecraft.net when you run any of the modpacks for their first time. Can't help with the error though.

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We'll look into it. From what I can tell, not everyone is having the same problem. Some of you are just having simple Java issues. Make sure you are using Java 7, NOT 6. You can get 7 from the oracle website, or using the links on the main page.

Java for some reason will think that 6 is the current version and try to downgrade you. Don't believe it's lies. You NEED Java 7, and it has to be the correct bit version for your system. If you're using 32 bit, you need to use the .jar instead of the exe.

Hopefully that info helps while we look into possible issues (to see if they're actually issues).

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Ok thanks. I will download java from the website then I will post if it worked or not.

***Edit*** Grrrrr I went to oracle and found the demo for java 7 and downloaded it, but unfortunately it still dosent work :(

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I'm having the same problem. Only I had it running before closing and re-opening the program to have it not re-open again. I'm running Windows 7 Ult 64-bit. And I also have the Java 7 that has been recommended.

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I Followed Cheap shots instructions, uninstalled my 64 bit java 6, found 64 bit java 7 update 3, downloaded it, deleted and reinstalled the "TechnicLauncherher" and deleted the files in %appdata%... same thing

I looked in the file afterwords, and found a ziped "technic launcher" file. I unziped it, same problem. I uninstalled my AVG, and disabled my firewall (realizing now that that wont do anything) and im still having the same problem, ( after fixing what I did in the %appdata%

This sucks and i <3 technic pack. please look into this (New bug?)

I'm happy to help in anyways I can.

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