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Just Wondering...


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Hey guys and girls, I was just wondering if Technic or Tekkit would be better for SSP/which has more content (more to do). Yes, I REALIZE Technic is for SSP and Tekkit is for SMP. My Technic has recently quit working (Tekkit still works fine) and I was wondering if I would notice a difference if I switched from Technic to Tekkit. I use the Balkon's weapon mod and since I've been away from Technic and Tekkit for an extended time I am not sure if it has been re-added.


Tl;dr: Is Technic or Tekkit better for SSP?

(P.S. : If you think you might be able to help me with my problem go here.)

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They all use the same basic mods, so I'd suggest, if you wish to play on 1.4.X instead of 1.2.5, either use the DW20 pack or use Tekkit Lite, or wait for the Technic build for 1.4.X to become recommended (eta: soon®). The DW20 pack doesn't have balkons, but I'm not sure on the others.

As for whether to use FTB or Technic/Tekkit, use which ever you feel like using. It's about the experience of playing modded Minecraft, nothing else.

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OK, thanks! My Technic has stopped working, so I guess Tekkit Lite...? And are Technic worlds compatible with Tekkit Lite?

as in the 1.2.5 version? NO

as in the newest builds, if they have the same configs and mod version, i don't see why not...you would just need to find out how to change the worlds.

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