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[0.5.2]Log'sVille[PVP][PVE][1000 slots][No whitelist][No mods removed]

Logan A

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Logan, not trying to spam I promise, try "What is my IP" and then tell us the port. There are two different IPs that you use basically. Your local one that you put into the server file, and then the global one which is the one that you tell us plus the :##### of the port that you forwarded.

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It didn't work for me.

Make sure you are using your global I.P. address.

My local one starts 192####### but the global ones starts 178########.

I think that is where you are messing up Logan. (Just trying to help out because my and my 5 friends need a good server and this is the best on the list right now)

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Ok! IP4 is the right one when configuring your server! Great job :)

However, the IP that you want to give us whenever you want us to join is found by going into google and typing "What is my IP?"

I promise that'll work :D

Once you find that IP, post it on here with the port that you forwarded and we should be able to join your server!

ALSO! If you want to instant message instead of use this, I'll gladly add you on skype or steam to help you out.

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Oh yea, you won't be able to the one that Google gives you anywhere on CMD-->IPCONFIG

When in IPCONFIG, you are actually looking at your "assigned internal IP address".

When typing into Google, "what is my ip", it is giving you the IP address that every computer in the world uses to identify your SPECIFIC computer so our computers can connect to yours to play on your server.

That ip that google gives you is the one that you need to broadcast in order for us to connect to your server.

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The IP given is your LAN IP address. 192.168.1.x is not your internet WAN IP. No one can connect to your server with that IP unless they are connected to your router via wire/wireless. AKA, in your house. Google 'whatsmyip' and use the web utility to determine your WAN IP. Assuming you are using the default minecraft port, port forward 25565 in your router to the server's local ip (in this case Should look similar to :


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The IP given is your LAN IP address. 192.168.1.x is not your internet WAN IP. No one can connect to your server with that IP unless they are connected to your router via wire/wireless. AKA, in your house. Google 'whatsmyip' and use the web utility to determine your WAN IP. Assuming you are using the default minecraft port, port forward 25565 in your router to the server's local ip (in this case Should look similar to :


That's what I was trying to get him to do lol he never once tried I don't think. It looks like he was trying to host a tekkit-lite server without ever hosting a server before.

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Name: Donald


IGN Name: donald52525234

Location and Timezone:

U.S (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

How long have you been playing?


Have you been banned , Jailed, muted or Kicked before?

only by people who were trolling other players for no reason so yes and no

What have you done to support us as of yet?

well i can do permissions and i am a very good builder

What can you offer to the staff? (Make it Long):

as i said earlier i am good with permissions and I've been playing minecraft for a very long time. i'm a really good builder and i have lots of experience as a mod.

Tell us some stuff about yourself?

i like video games and i'm a good PC builder

Do you have any experience being a mod?


Why do you want to become a mod? (Make this Long):

i always try to set goals for myself on minecraft for ex: i want to become an admin on a very popular server in vanilla minecraft but for tekkit classic its just to become a admin on a server but really have not had a chance to completely finish these goals but i would love to and i think your server is a great start to all this.

What are some ideas you wish to be done better?

i would like to see more friendly staff on servers but most people just say they are to have a high chance of getting on a server as an admin. i would like to change that and make the server a friendly and enjoyable place to play on.

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