Cheap Shot Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 READ THE STICKIES! There are threads stickied at the top of each section and they contain important information. If it's clear you haven't read them then you might be probated depending on the whim of the moderators. Don't take the risk, read stickied threads!MINOR INFRACTIONS - These things can get you probated if you push itMAJOR INFRACTIONS - These things will get you bannedRULES FOR POSTING PICTURES- Verbal warning to ban dependingIf you see someone breaking these rules, report them using the report function. Reporting staff isn't advised. The moderation staff has the final say in matters of rule violation. We run these forums out of our pockets and the goodness of our hearts. Show some respect for the forums and follow the rules if you wish to post on them. If you can't do that, then you don't deserve to use them.This thread will be updated when new rules are added. If you see that a new post has been made here, read it ASAP.Ignorance of rules is not immunity to rules. THE LAW Golden Rule: Ask yourself, "Is my post or reply actually interesting, funny, or contributing to the discussion at hand?" - if not, don't post. English only - We can only moderate what we can read. So please keep your posts to English. If you need some help will translate from your language into English. No chat or chan speak - LOL THAT'S FAIL! OMG LIEK CAN I HAS MUDKIPS ROFLLLL +1 DIAMOND WIN 4 U LULZ - No. No Signing Posts - Your username is already there, it's redundant. Plus it makes you look like a loser. (You might be a loser!) It's also an easy way to tell that you haven't read these rules. No duplicate or redundant threads - first check to make sure the same or similar thread does not already exist. This includes stickied information. Duplicate threads will be deleted. No low effort posts - "Hello I'm new here!" "FIRST POST!" "THREAD IS WIN!" "HELP ME FIND UH SERVER" All examples of why you should have been thrown back. No asking for ETA's - We are tired of these questions. Updates depend on lots of different things and they happen when they happen. No Memes - If the only response you can think of for something is an overused terrible image with text on it, or a beaten to death catchphrase you should have a sit down and question your direction in life. "Who am I?" "Do I even have my own personality?" "When did I replace my wit and social interaction skills with a series of shitty .jpg's?" A few examples of things you might consider pondering. No PMing Staff - Most PMs are fine; however, don't PM us for bug reports or support. You will not get special private help. Also, do not PM us about account bans or disabled/deleted modpacks. We have an appeals section for a reason, so use it. No backseat modding - Helpful tips and a link to stickied thread is A-OK, talking like you have some kind of power isn't. Lose the smug and leave the moderation to the moderators. Do not triple post, and avoid double posting - You have an edit button. USE IT. Do not BUMP threads - This is worthless and annoying and counts as a low effort post. No discussing illegal activities - The internet is a big place. Take it somewhere we aren't responsible for. This includes piracy talk. Yarr! No Racial slurs or sexism - Yeah yeah, shock value humor. We get it. Get bent. No spamming - Posting multiple similar threads, posting the same thing multiple times, or posting junk threads. No advertising or soliciting - You need moderator permission to advertise any offsite program or service. Current exceptions include Links to Let's Plays with ads. No pay-to-play servers - If you are still interested, message an admin, however by default we don't allow those types of servers. No unverified download links - DO NOT post links to Technic Launchers or Tekkit Servers or any other download without clearing it through an admin first. Its a security risk, don't do it. No misusing the report feature - Reporting a post means it must break the rules in some way. Using it to ask for help or favors will is naughty naughty! No ban evasion - We will find out. If you can't wait for a probation to run out, you're better off unplugging your computer. No mod sass - We really don't care if you think you're right. We are in charge for a reason. No Impersonating Staff - This includes adding fake mod edits to your posts. Don't be a dickbag - (A bag of dicks) No links - This board is an free zone. This is a catch all and includes adcraft or anything else that gives someone money for clicking a link. You will be banned for posting any links like that. No image leeching - If you have a picture you want to share such as a minecraft screenshot or comic, do not link it from an outside website. Use an image host to rehost it. Websites like let you paste in the link to the image and it rehosts it for you. No visible adult images - If it's NSFW (not safe for work) then either just post a link with NSFW or before it, or don't post it. No posting memes - Everyone has seen them 100 times. Be original. You should be starting the next great joke here that gets beaten into the ground until everyone is sick of it. Like that one with the dog wearing the guys shoes? I love that one. They don't even fit! Tess, kroocadile, eltaylor2001 and 30 others 33
Cheap Shot Posted March 22, 2012 Author Posted March 22, 2012 In the end, those who moderate the forums make the calls. It's up to them to enforce these rules at their discretion. Sure they may let something slide once or twice, but don't get upset when you are punished for being an idiot. Don't email anyone saying "WHY WAS I PUNISHED I DIDN'T BREAK THE RULES I HATE YOU!" Just sit it out and learn from it instead. The one thing that wont happen ever is you being punished for no reason. No one will kick you out without just cause. We really don't have time to do that. If you are ejected, then there is a reason and you should try and grow from the experience. This isn't some philosophical touchy-feely sing-kumbayah-around-a-campfire board where we discuss deeper philosophical principles on what it means to be banned, what is truly "fair" in life, etc. We are all cool people (yes, human beings) so treating everyone like one will get you much further than trying to pull an "academic know-it-all, everyone else is a brainless monkey" on other people, let alone staff. Tomferdes, Hyrvdent, MrSteamie and 9 others 12
Cheap Shot Posted April 12, 2012 Author Posted April 12, 2012 Do not PM mods or admins with bug reports. You will not get special private help. We don't have time to do that. MrSteamie, xMithril, Jancigaccible and 4 others 7
Cheap Shot Posted April 15, 2012 Author Posted April 15, 2012 These common sense unwritten rules are now written because people are dumb and don't know how to behave on forums. Do not triple post, and avoid double posting - You have an edit button. USE IT. Do not BUMP threads - This is worthless and annoying and counts as a low effort post. xXShadowhydra25Xx, F9800, Tomferdes and 2 others 5
Cheap Shot Posted October 15, 2012 Author Posted October 15, 2012 A Note on Thread Necromancy We've been getting quite a lot of reports lately of people "necroing" old, threads, this is not actually against the forums rules. The only time you need to report a necro is if it's particularly low effort (Responding to a thread that's long long dead with nothing but "Me too" or, "help pls" etc) since that actually violates a rule. Understand that it is a faux pas to resurrect a very dead thread without good reason however and mods reserve the right to punish for lack of good sense. F9800, xMithril, Tomferdes and 3 others 6
Cheap Shot Posted July 10, 2013 Author Posted July 10, 2013 I will be personally cracking down on backseat modding. Let me copy paste my statement from a particularly bad thread here: How about everyone stop frothing at the mouth and scrambling over each other to keep being redundant? We have this thing called the "report" button, and I'm tired of seeing pages and pages of people ignoring it to play undeputized sheriff in every goddamn thread. Unless you are the king of fucking comedy I will be handing out warnings next time I see this kind of idiotic pointless posting . (protip: You probably aren't the king of comedy) xXShadowhydra25Xx, xMithril, Zdaysavior and 5 others 8
Forum Administrators Lord Ptolemy Posted July 8, 2020 Forum Administrators Posted July 8, 2020 Minor update to the rules. Don't PM us about bans or disabled/deleted modpacks. We have an appeals section for this stuff.
Forum Administrators Lord Ptolemy Posted July 31, 2020 Forum Administrators Posted July 31, 2020 Added a rule to keep posts in English. If you have difficulty with writing in English or don't know it, please use an translator such as
Forum Administrators Lord Ptolemy Posted September 21, 2021 Forum Administrators Posted September 21, 2021 Re-instated old rules.
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