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This morning my best friend tried to download technic 6. But upon installation to his computer, the installation bar says:

31% Download Failed

Sometimes it says:

1% Download Failed

He has JAVA 7, and a windows 7 OS. He is using the recommended build.

NOTE: It is the technic pack, not Tekkit

17 answers to this question

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  • 0

Get him to try the standard trouble shooting steps. Delete everything and anything technic related and redownload. Check that java is the current version and the proper version for your OS (32 bit or 64 bit). Take the cartridge out and blow on it.

  • 0

Get him to try the standard trouble shooting steps. Delete everything and anything technic related and redownload. Check that java is the current version and the proper version for your OS (32 bit or 64 bit). Take the cartridge out and blow on it.

Tried it. Failed. I heard there was a problem with Tekkit, (Block Ids) and it might be because they are trying to update the place the installer downloads the pack from?
  • 0

I am having the same problem.

I deleted the .minecraft file and the .techniclauncher file.

I updated java 7.

I redownloaded the launcher.

But still when I hit Login on the technic launcher it will start downloading then stop at a seemingly random point.

  • 0


Can you run the game.. get to the problem point.. quit and then copy the log file at .techniclauncher\logs\launcher_0.log to pastebin.com and paste the link here?

  • 0

As per suggestion what I wrote in another topic:

I have the same problem as some people in here where it always says Download Failed, I created a new topic because I will try to describe my situation the best I can.

Normal minecraft doesn't download either, it gets stuck at 30% sometimes 25% I usually get it off pirated sources and just copy what I would get if I could download (I do have an account in Minecraft paid and all, same IGN), I have been able to download it untill about 1.8 Beta, I've had it since Alpha 1.2. So I don't think it's a direct Technic Launcher problem but it does affect it the same way it affects the normal launcher. I have Java 7 64 bits with Windows 7 64 as well.

If the problem can't be solved a workaround is fine, I just need to know where the normal minecraft files are supposed to go so I can copy them from my official 1.1 release

Also system specs which I don't think will help:

Intel Core i7 860

4GB RAM Corsair 1333MHZ (2 Sticks Dual Channel)

Sapphire Radeon HD 5850

Corsair 850W Power Source (I think it's HX)

EDIT: I managed to download (by continuosly logging in) and the mods seem to work but the items all say unnamed

EDIT2: After a restart names are all fine, it seems to be all working for those of you who can't install try relogging many times since it downloads every file separately you can progress file to file, an official word about this is still much needed but for now I'm all for what works

[18:10:05] [sEVERE]	------------------------------------------

[18:10:05] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[18:10:05] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: 0.5.0

[18:10:05] [sEVERE]	Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[18:10:07] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from '[url]https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/mirrors.yml'[/url].

[18:10:07] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5'[/url], with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:10:08] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file4768699982535966376.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[18:10:08] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[18:10:08] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpacks.yml' from '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/modpacks.yml'[/url].

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/favicon.png'[/url], with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/favicon.png'[/url], with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/icon.png'[/url], with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/logo.png'[/url], with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/logo.png'[/url], with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/icon.png'[/url], with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file7086859359723736931.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file8585699326933126163.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file1064111984855618614.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file2619960881398900120.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png

[18:10:09] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png

[18:10:10] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file900439351473774420.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png

[18:10:10] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png

[18:10:10] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file9220158664163422946.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png

[18:10:10] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png

[18:10:10] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'libraries.yml' from '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/libraries.yml'[/url].

[18:10:10] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modlibrary.yml' from '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/modlibrary.yml'[/url].

[18:11:12] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/modpack.yml'[/url].

[18:11:13] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'[/url].

[18:11:34] [sEVERE]	Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:12:19] [sEVERE]	Exiting the Technic Launcher

[18:12:34] [sEVERE]	------------------------------------------

[18:12:34] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[18:12:34] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: 0.5.0

[18:12:34] [sEVERE]	Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[18:12:35] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from '[url]https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/mirrors.yml'[/url].

[18:12:35] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5'[/url], with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:12:36] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file1469861902762078730.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[18:12:36] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[18:12:36] [sEVERE]	[MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\technicssp\modpack.yml' has md5 of 'db1a1e12e4b07180d1fbe500e2e01bd8' instead of 'd494951cc3b4465e436da6edf37f47e3'

[18:12:36] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/modpack.yml'[/url].

[18:12:37] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'[/url].

[18:12:42] [sEVERE]	Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:13:34] [sEVERE]	Exiting the Technic Launcher

[18:14:21] [sEVERE]	------------------------------------------

[18:14:21] [sEVERE]	Launcher is starting....

[18:14:21] [sEVERE]	Launcher Build: 0.5.0

[18:14:21] [sEVERE]	Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[18:14:22] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from '[url]https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/mirrors.yml'[/url].

[18:14:23] [sEVERE]	Starting download of '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5'[/url], with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:14:24] [sEVERE]	Copying: \temp\file4557112799894705762.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[18:14:24] [sEVERE]	File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[18:14:24] [sEVERE]	[MD5 Mismatch] File '\launcher\technicssp\modpack.yml' has md5 of 'daa1cc2771b48bac43f537d8c52ca671' instead of 'd494951cc3b4465e436da6edf37f47e3'

[18:14:24] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/modpack.yml'[/url].

[18:14:24] [sEVERE]	[info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from '[url]http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'[/url].

[18:14:27] [sEVERE]	Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[18:16:52] [sEVERE]	Exiting the Technic Launcher

  • 0

I am having the same problem. It says %100 download failed and here is my launcher_0.log



[td][21:43:06] [sEVERE] ------------------------------------------

[21:43:06] [sEVERE] Launcher is starting....

[21:43:06] [sEVERE] Launcher Build: 0.5.0

[21:43:06] [sEVERE] Allocated 910.25 Mb of RAM

[21:43:10] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'mirrors.yml' from 'https://raw.github.com/TechnicPack/Technic/master/mirrors.yml'.

[21:43:12] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/CHECKSUM.md5', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[21:43:13] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file3377992814600875523.tmp to: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[21:43:13] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\CHECKSUM.md5

[21:43:13] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpacks.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/modpacks.yml'.

[21:43:14] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/icon.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[21:43:14] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/logo.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[21:43:14] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/icon.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[21:43:14] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/favicon.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[21:43:14] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/resources/logo.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[21:43:14] [sEVERE] Starting download of 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/resources/favicon.png', with 3 trie(s) remaining

[21:43:14] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file4379474297695730896.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png

[21:43:14] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\icon.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file4027367206597814506.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\favicon.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file1395755927323812863.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file9123716856277430739.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\icon.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\favicon.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file1091856453723210584.tmp to: \launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\vanilla\resources\logo.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] Copying: \temp\file8501864910820127252.tmp to: \launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png

[21:43:15] [sEVERE] File Downloaded: \launcher\technicssp\resources\logo.png

[21:43:16] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'libraries.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/libraries.yml'.

[21:43:16] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modlibrary.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/modlibrary.yml'.

[21:43:26] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/technicssp/modpack.yml'.

[21:43:27] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[21:43:45] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[21:45:13] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'modpack.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/vanilla/modpack.yml'.

[21:45:14] [sEVERE] [info] Downloading 'minecraft.yml' from 'http://git.technicpack.net/Technic/minecraft.yml'.

[21:45:17] [sEVERE] Starting download of minecraft, with 3 trie(s) remaining

[22:00:09] [sEVERE] Exiting the Technic Launcher[/td]



  • 0

EZSPECIAL: if you put legit minecraft.jar (non-modified) into the .techniclauncher\cache directory as minecraft_1.1.jar it will use that if the MD5 Hash matches the original

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