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I mainly use Industrialcraft and Railcraft with a little bit of Buildcraft and Redpower.

What can I do with this Nikolite, Ferrous Ore, Tungesten, Silver, Gold, and Lead? I have so much of these.


  "Aurrin said:
Nikolite looks pretty snazzy when crafted into one of the new storage blocks for it. It's like blue glittering sand.

Sweet, I'll look into that in the mean time. I hope I can get it back if I need it later.


Nikolite is used to make several of the advanced machines in redpower. Silver is also a redpower item, when combined with nikolite in an alloy furnace, producing bluetric alloy, also used in the creation of many advanced redpower machines. Again with the gold, but its also used in the most basic of redpower machines such as a filter. I don't believe tungsten actually has a purpose yet, though eloraam is planning on implementing a purpose for it, most likely something to do with computers. Ferrous and Lead I'm gonna have to leave to someone else, as they are part of mods that I haven't yet explored to their full extent.

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