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[0.6.5]Crucraft 24/7[PvP/PvE/Build][40 slots][Factions][Essentials][Economy][SurvivalGames]


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what are modlets and what is their purpose?

and also is the server down? its unable to find a connection for like 2 days for me so far.

The modlets are half-moderators. They are the newest staff on a server, and they can't ban or tp to you etc. Modlets can only mute and kick people, and alongside give warnings to a player (13 warnings = 1 day temp ban).

And sorry about the server being down for a time, I had to patch some major stuff and also fix some bugs with dimensional doors. Everything works now, and you are able to join it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our server is now updated to 0.6.5! Mystcraft and dimensional doors have been also re-added! Also the playerlimit has been fixed and we have bumped up our server specs as we've got enough donations now!

Thank you for all the donations, and your comitment to us! :)

Also we have some new staff members; 2 new moderators and 2 new modlets! Please welcome TheTrueLMgt and MDalton as our new staff members and good luck to our new moderators hazard975 and wired2coffee :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, we have been very busy with upgrading the server. We will move to the new tekkit modpack during this coming week and people should be able to join it by Monday/Tuesday.

We will lock down this thread and move to a new thread on the tekkit server list

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