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The Truth About The Technic Forums


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The truth is i got baned on my last acount for posting a server in the server secetion and supporting tekkit

But tekkit sucks its so buggy with the bug reports and the staff sucks this is the last thing i'm posting on this stupid fourms

Tekkit dosn't have permissin from the modders and FTB is better becuse it wasn't mase by a buch of ******************* see if you can uncode that :)



P.S i know how much you guys love it when i sign my posts

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The truth is i got baned on my last acount for posting a server in the server secetion and supporting tekkit

No, you got banned for being a dickbag to the populace of the forums.

But tekkit sucks its so buggy with the bug reports and the staff sucks this is the last thing i'm posting on this stupid fourms

FTB is buggier. Source: my tiny amount of gameplay.

Tekkit dosn't have permissin from the modders and FTB is better becuse it wasn't mase by a buch of ******************* see if you can uncode that :)



P.S i know how much you guys love it when i sign my posts

Yea, riiiight. The real ******** is the one who demanded money from calclavia. Guess who that is? Oh, we have permissions btw. Even then permissions can

go suck a d**k



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The truth is i got baned on my last acount for being crap at life and all things in it, including spelling, grammar, sanity and even my IQ test(I didn't realise that you could fail those until now)

But my face sucks its so buggy with the bugs I eat and I suck this is the last thing i'm posting on this stupid fourms because everyone here's awesomeness just makes me look stupid

Tekkit has permissin from the modders and I am a ******************* see if you can uncode that :)


A sad, unloved child(Nickfires19)

P.S i love you guys


I much prefer this version.

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