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[3.1.2]-[FCI] Resurrection[PvP/PvE][75 Slots][Factions][Events][Fun Staff][Anarchy]


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Server is officially up, but we had to reset the map. Due to the map being corrupted, this is what caused the crashes. I do not know why, or how it happened, but it did. As soon as I imported the map files, it crashed. So, new map. Sorry for this incovience to everyone, and apologize for the downtime.

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Tayleana's Moderator Application

Name: Tayla Stephenson

Age: 12, 13 in May

Time Zone: Sydney, Australia time, i think GMT +10 or +11

Skype: taystar2000

Any other chat program: Team Speak (but i wont be going on until May, when I get my new computer)


Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furnace, you would?: Tell them to stop > Temp Ban > Ban

What's the Owners name?: Final Corruption (In game and Skype name) :) Oh and real name is Ryan.... I'm almost completely sure ... :)

Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?: Tell them that they shouldn't do it because it's abuse of power and wrong. Moderators are people server players look up to. (as I was saying) Warning + Screen cap > Contact Final with Screen cap

An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?: Screen cap what they were saying and send it to Final.

Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?: Warning > 5 min mute > 10 min mute > Temp Ban > Ban

Somebody advertised their IP. You would?: Kick > Ban


Why do you want to be a moderator?: I believe that I am very liked on servers and I don't try to pick fights (much), when I do they are very little, and I like to be a leader and make sure everyone is doing to right thing, but at the same time I love having fun with everyone and only get serious when things so wrong or need assistance.

What past experience as Moderator do you have?: I was a moderator/admin on a Minecraft server, Chronicboom and I was also Moderator on The Big Trio Tekkit.

Thanks :)

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Posting on FinalCorruption's Behalf:


Due to the host, being unstable, and not providing stable content for us to balance a server on, we're undergoing a host switch. This means the following.

New Map.

New Player Files

No Lag

No Crashes

No issues

Donators, I thank you greatly, along with all other members who have decided to stay with us through these troubling issues, but we will be sorted very, very shortly. If you would like to help broden the horizons of our server content, feel free to donate, which, will be greatly appreciated.

Methods of Donating:

Buycraft: bigtrioresurrection.buycraft.net

Directly To Paypal: [email protected]

Contacting Final:

Skype: thadarkspawn

Estimation of time down, before the server is up:

4 hours

If there is any other details you would like explained, feel free to contact Me/FinalCorruption.

Let me just say, everyone who has stuck with us through these issues, crashes, lag ect. Will be quite pleased with the server events, after spawn is built, and we're ready to progress into gathering more players, and developing the server further.


PvP events, with FinalCorruption. I have done some of these with you, as most of you know. I allowed it so if you killed me 2 times in a row, you won a $10 store credit. This will happen again, as we gather more donations.

Spleef Events, will be taking place, once we've got an arena built.

Mob Challanges, could take place, where FinalCorruption spawns mobs, and if you can defeat them, you get an epic reward.

Parkour Challanges, will take place. Winner of the parkour event gets a great reward.

Suggestion Box:

Use quote, and quote this section to suggest anything. Staff Members, Spawn looks, Events, Plugins, anything.

Thank you all for reading this, and once again, thank you all for staying with us through the burning of the server. It's much appreciated, and you will be rewarded greatly for doing so.

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Moderator Application

Name: OhRoyalTea - Richard

Age: 15 Years Of Age

TimeZone: Eastern

Skype: EntracyHD

Any other chat program: Skype, other than that, no


Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: Well first I would give him a warning, and take away the RM Furnace. If he attempts to make another RM Furnace, I would give him a temp ban. Later forwarding to a ban.

What's the Owners name?: FinalCorruption

Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?: If another Moderator is abusive with powers, I would report to a high rank, such as Admin. If no Admin is online, I would respect my powers, Screan-Shot for proof, and send to Owner in some way. Then I would ask the owner to be able to do something about it if it happens again.

An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?: Screen-Shot and report it to the Owner.

Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?: I would give him/her a warning. Then a mute. Then a kick, towards a tempban, then finally, ban.

Somebody advertised their IP. You would?: Give them a warning, mute, then ban. No point kicking/tempbanning if they just want people to join their servers.


Why do you want to be a moderator?: If a server has Mod spots open, I'd love to apply, helping around. If I do become mod, I will try my best to make this server the best there is.

What past experience as Moderator do you have?: I started being Mod+ on servers for 1 and a half years. Not under the name OhRoyalTea however. This is a new account. I mainly modded regular Minecraft/Bukkit servers. This is the first Tekkit server I have applied for. And for the other servers, I've been really active if I got the spot, done my job, and tried to help out to the best of my ability. It works out most of the time.

This concludes my application.

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Moderator Application

Name:rage652-nick bentsen

Age:15 turning 16

TimeZone:eastern standard time australia +10


Any other chat program:facebook- nick bentsen


Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: warn and report to owner and admins

What's the Owners name?:finalcorruption

Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner and admins

An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?:screenshot it and report to owner

Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?:warn and mute

Somebody advertised their IP. You would?:mute


Why do you want to be a moderator?:because i want to help others on the server and keep it safe for kids playing

What past experience as Moderator do you have?:none but i am a fast learner

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Moderator Application

Name: Jordan Richardson

Age: 15

TimeZone: Australian Time


Any other chat program:


Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: Remove dupe item and give warning.

What's the Owners name?: FinalCorruption

Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?: Screeen Shot/ Report to Admins or FinalCorruption

An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?: Report to FinalCorruption

Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?: 1st Give a warning with 5 min mute then 2nd time kick

Somebody advertised their IP. You would?: Ask them to stop and if they persist mute them


Why do you want to be a moderator?: I woud like to be moderator to make it fair for other players because on many servers there are people that abuse their powers or are just hackers

What past experience as Moderator do you have?: I have had experience on no tekkit servers but have had experince on normal mc servers such as TotalMinecraft and KingsPvP

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Moderator Application

Name: theal600/ Alex Wu


TimeZone: Pacific Standard Time

Skype: theal600

Any other chat program: Teamspeak


Somebody is trying to dupe with a RM Furance, you would?: Take away the duped items and jail them with a warning, if they continue ban them.

What's the Owners name?: FinalCorruption/Ryan

Another moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?: Screenshot and report the incident.

An Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?: Screenshot and report to Final, or another admin.

Someone is Spamming, and cussing. You would?: 5 minute mute and warning

Somebody advertised their IP. You would?: Give a warning with a 5-minute mute, then ban.


Why do you want to be a moderator?: I've been playing on this server for a while and would like to help keep a friendly environment.

What past experience as Moderator do you have?: No past experience on tekkit servers, but I have been mod on regular MC servers.

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Admin Application

Name: PwnstarLMFAO (Edward)

Age: 17

TimeZone: GUAM TIME (UTC +10)

Skype: edwardisbored

Any other chat program: N/A


A moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?: Warn/Gather Evidence then if persists demote. (During the time I would either temp ban or ban him depending on the severity of his


Another Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?: Report / gather screenshots. Send them to Final or post on forums.

Somebody claims another player is hacking, what would you do: Vanish and gather evidence. Once investigation has been finished and the player is found guilty I would ban them. (Depending on the hack of course.) *XRAY = BAN* *KILL AURA = BAN*

Somebody tries to dupe, you would?: Investigate the person via Vanish after a warning. IF the problem persists, confiscate object that is used to dupe and the objects the person duped with. A ban or temp ban will follow depending on the severity.

A moderator is spamming, you would?: Warn with a 5 minute mute. If problem persists a stronger mute with jail time and a reporting of the incident to other Upper Staff for discussion on further punishment.

A moderator is telling people to join another server, you would?:


Why would you like to be an Admin?: I love the server half to death and being an admin would help me would increase my ability to maintain a good mature server and help spread the same love to other members.

What past experience as Admin do you have?: I have tons of moderator experience but as an Admin this would be a first.

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Admin Application

Name:Callum Andrew Cox

Age:17 truning to 18 soon in july

TimeZone:00:00 uk time


Any other chat program:


A moderator is being abusive with powers, you would?:kick them or ban them

Another Admin is being abusive with powers, you would?:the same

Somebody claims another player is hacking, what would you do:tell a owner

Somebody tries to dupe, you would?:kick them

A moderator is spamming, you would?:kick them

A moderator is telling people to join another server, you would?:banned them


Why would you like to be an Admin?:i never had a change to a admin in the last server

What past experience as Admin do you have?:i havent had any experience yet to a admin

Note: final please acept this please I givin you a change to do this please accept (maybe three)[/

Sry for asking, ive been busy so i havent been on for a while, but are you even Moderator?

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bob shut it u griefed spawn and swore and staff ur not getting back on and the server will be better without u so stop posting on this thread ur not part of the community

Rage, i would be happy if you didnt type like you were staff thx...

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Mod Application

In game name Yellowsquash87

age I am 15

time zone america canada central

skype name rebel481

q number 1: I would tell them they would be banned for 24 hours then conctact the owner to determine if he/she thinks the person should be banned for good

q number 2: FinalCorruption

q number 3: ban or kick them for a hour or more depending on actions then report to the owner

q number 4: I would try to convince them to stop but if I couldn't convience them I would ban or kick them for a hour or more depending on actions then report to the owner

q number 5: mute the person for 30 min if actions continue then kick if continue after that then ban for 1 day and report to owner

q number 6: tell them to stop then kick them if they don't then ban for 30 min if actions continue if continue farther report to owner

q number 7: Because I find it a honor to be staff on a server knowing it is only a select few

q number 8: I have been a admin and mod on one of my friends servers untill it shut down after about a year due to lack of funding

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(i said (Lucas60): Sry for asking, ive been busy so i havent been on for a while, but are you even Moderator?

(I think my chat bugged)

Rage, i would be happy if you didnt type like you were staff thx...


server is down.


:( Please final, dont do this


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Is the server really down forever? I hope not I don't have any other game to do other than Hack/Mine and some on Steam which even now I'm getting bored of. Please don't make the server gone forever...


Ryan/FinalCorruption's Friend

Oh one other thing guys before you do Admin Application you have to apply for and be accepted as a Moderator and I think Ryan said that you have to wait 2 weeks to a month before applying for Admin I think because then they can see if you are fit for Admin and unlike a previous case I had where I had a little fit when someone didn't give me a yellow alchemy bag for the Red Matter I gave him (But That was on the BTT WAY WAY WAY back in the past I'm over it now and haven't seen them on in a while). So wait apply for Moderator first before applying for Admin.

PRO TIP: People who post for Mod like 5 seconds after they join probably wont get accepted Might get put on hold so you don't have to repost.

Why does no one EVER post after me for like 3 years?

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