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Newbie question regarding Tekkit Lite & other mods..


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You should get the New Launcher and use the custom zip feature. It's pretty swank, and will do exactly what you're looking for, plus give you the ability to share it with people you want to play with.

But no, the launcher won't overwrite it.

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I actually have been having rather extensive arguements with the new launcher; it will not download the custom mod ZIP file I tell it to, no matter how hard I try. So I figured I would just try manually wedging things together.

You may need to fiddle with the "reset pack" "clear cache" and "manual build selection" buttons. Other than that, deleting the folder for the pack the custom zip is for, and letting it redownload seems to work pretty well.

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Did you not just ask a similar question in another thread and get that same answer?

I've been trying to figure out how to get Tekkit Lite and ExtraBiomesXL cooperate and play nice. It is not going well so far, however.

As for this, some more details would help in finding the problem and fixing it.

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Following SCT's video I bundled together the contents of Tekkit Lite with ExtraBiomesXL. Put them into a zip file as he recommended and placed them in my dropbox "Public" folder. I get the public share link for this (also tried viewing the webpage for the file and getting the "Download Button" url link) and wound up the Technic Launcher. Picked "Custom Modpack 1" (the first slot) aand hit Options. In options I plugged in the URL from Dropbox on the "Custom ZIP" line, hit "Okay". Then started up that custom modpack.

I saw a progress bar start up, checking for new versions of Minecraft. It then logged me in.. and started up Vanilla Minecraft. No mods installed, nothing. I never saw the progress bar actually download or install anything. No crashing (so I cannot post a crash log unfortunately).

I'll tussle with it and see if I can figure it out, nevermind everyone.

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