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Looking for a Voltz "Lets Play" partner.


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Hey minecrafters, I have a few thousand views on my youtube account - FPSTopStudios. I want to step it up by starting this series and go crazy. Here are the rules.


  • Must be 11 -15 years old
  • Must have a time zone around +/-8:00
  • Must have Skype and a microphone
  • Must know the English language
  • Must have Minecraft
  • Must have a good sense of humour

Please answer the steps with your skype name and youtube name!

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* Age: 15

* Time Zone: Central time U.S.A

*I got Skype and Mic

* Skype Name: Miner-Niner

* Youtube name: alex49439

* Youtube Channel: Miner Niner

* I got minecraft

* I got a great sense of humour

I just Started my Youtube not to long ago i only got 2 subcribers and 8 views so far i am still working on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks guys for posting, I will be contacting people on skype, also if I did contact you and remove you by mistake, please post that I did. People that I have remembered so far, theyogscast, Garretto, xxKissx0, possibly DUDECITO and Gamzee Makara. Once again, thanks guys!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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