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Vanilla MC Players Moving Structures to Tekkit Lite

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Hey all, me and my server group have just recently tried out Tekkit Lite after exclusively playing Vanilla minecraft for years. We quickly found out that we are pretty tied to the structures (buildings, pixel art, all that jazz) from our Vanilla servers but absolutely love everything Tekkit Lite has to offer.

We would like to know what the best method for moving some our beautiful Vanilla structures into our Tekkit Lite server would be? Copy and pasting in MCedit does not work as MCedit does not support tekkit and thus we lose everything tekkit related when editing a world file (losing the machines is no big deal, but losing all the ore in explored area is).

Thank you all for your support!

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Check the "How to convert your Tekkit classic world to tekkit lite" thread. I used this same method on a Vanilla+bukkit server and it worked fine. Give it a try!

Unfortunately a few people built a handful of machines within a few hours of work and now don't want to part with their new stuff, so thats really not a consolidated option.

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Unfortunately a few people built a handful of machines within a few hours of work and now don't want to part with their new stuff, so thats really not a consolidated option.

just import it as another region. Im sure there's a better way to do it, but i made a mystcraft realm in tekkit lite and then replaced it with a different world. You can either use something like worldguard to create an area that teleports, or just use /tpx and whatever zone number it is to go there. I think one of the multi world plugins is somewhat working, although i havent had time to test it.

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