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Animals Spawn Limit


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What's the issue you're encountering? Animals don't despawn like mobs, and breeding doesn't interact with the spawn limit. The animal spawn limit mainly exists so that animals will respawn into chunks after there has been some sort of massacre.

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the issue im having is this: we created a small chicken farm and we noticed that as new ones spawn old ones die. the same amount are always there. we want to be able to have more than what we have at the moment.

thank you

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A couple things-

stuff doesn't die when you hit the spawn limit, at all. New stuff just won't spawn in.

It sounds like you're in a situation where you have too many chickens packed into too tight of an area. When this happens, chickens will get forced into the wall and then suffocate to death. My recommendation is to expand the size of your pen.

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thank you for your advice, ill take a look at my design and test, this most be something new as the model im using was from an old map we had and there still works fine but looks like now has changed

thank you for the advice

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hmm how so? is it known to cause that problem? im using one yes

It's a feature. Once it has enough animals in it's range, it stops feeding them and vaporizes any extras. When you go and kill some, it will start producing them again until it gets back to amount that was there before you started killing them.

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