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Way to make automatic wither skull farm?


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Any ideas? If i fill in the normal vanilla conditions to make them spawn, is there a way to have them drop there skulls to a point, and have it transport to the overworld. So can I put chunk loaders in there, and have them transport through ender chests or something?

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Yup, but it will be slow as heck. The construction would have to be pretty large to get any amount of withers worth mentioning. Also, I recommend using tesla coils to zap 'em, as you'll have basically infinite EU in there (through geothermal generators). It will still be a very slow process though.

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Yup, but it will be slow as heck. The construction would have to be pretty large to get any amount of withers worth mentioning. Also, I recommend using tesla coils to zap 'em, as you'll have basically infinite EU in there (through geothermal generators). It will still be a very slow process though.

he won't get skulls, they are counted as "rare drops" and won't drop if not kill by either a player or a "fake" player

manually instal soul shards and Thaumcraft 3

hunt wither's until you get a good enough soul shard (really T5 is ideal, but its not required i would say the min would be a T3 shard)

construct a high tower (if you want EXP from them then they need to fall ~18 or so blocks have some strength iron goloms and place visors on them (you do need to research that stuff keep in mind) place a bunch of brains in a jar to soak up the xp from them (i will let you decide what you want to do with the excess xp)

if you make the tower high enough you can kill them outright and now have to worry about the exp stuffs....however doing it that way mean you won't get skulls from them....

if you got factorization i would suggest a barrels for keeping the loots.

you get alot of bones and coal REALLY FAST! so make sure you got the storage capacity to hold them

i am half tried, so chances are i missed somethings

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I was gonna suggest a Melee turtle with (iridium) shielding, so the turtle won't break. Not quite sure how turtles work with rare drops, but here are just my thoughts.

they count as a fake player

he could also have an automatic enchanter (like the one direwolf has come to think of it)

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they count as a fake player

he could also have an automatic enchanter (like the one direwolf has come to think of it)

I liked Cyanide's latest exp tower. He had 3 or 4 t5 soul shards dropping mobs into a room of melee turtles, with a single exp turtle auto-enchanting books every 30 levels. The exp turtle was setup to deposit enchanted books into a chest below it.

I use the Dungeonpack mod, so wither/blaze/creeper/magma cube spawners aren't too rare in my world... :science:

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