Skout Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 MKR has been running as a private server for almost a year, starting on Tekkit 1.25 and then migrating to a custom modpack under 1.4.x. Now running under MCPC+ 1.4.7, we have the benefits of both Forge and Bukkit. We have recently moved to a dedicated server, allowing us to run multiple instances, and we can open our doors to more of the public. Be Respectful – Everything below generally falls under this rule. If you are respectful to staff and other players, adding to the environment, then you will undoubtedly enjoy being a part of MKR. No Griefing – This is our main rule and we’re serious about it. We’ve had one incident resulting in one ban in all the time we’ve been running, and we’d like to keep it that way. Griefing includes Killing, Stealing, Exploiting, or Destroying. As a general rule, if it doesn’t belong to you, you should probably leave it alone. Maintain Maturity – everyone is expected to act maturely. We have no age restrictions and we have some minors in our group, so while we’re all here to have fun, we expect people to act maturely and generally “keep it clean” while with us. We will tolerate zero abusive, racist, or disruptive behavior. Obey Staff – Our staff isn’t going to spend a lot of time telling you what to do, but if you disobey them, you’re not going to be staying with us very long. Please do not ask to join our staff; if we want you, we will ask you. All current staff has come from our player base. There is no whitelist for the public server, but until you submit an application and get accepted on our forum, you will not be able to download the client, and new players will not be able to do anything more than explore the world of the Spawn Tower until their application is accepted by one of our staff. Applied Energistics, Buildcraft 2, Redpower 2, Industrialcraft 2, Thaumcraft 3, Mystcraft, Twilight Forest, GregTech, Forestry, Mine Factory Reloaded, NetherOres, Metallurgy 2, Railcraft, Steve’s Carts, ComputerCraft XyCraft, Equivalent Exchange 3, Wireless Redstone CBE, and so much more. Client Mods: VoxelMap, ArmorHUD, Optifine, Inventory Tweaks, Treecapitator, NEI, and more. *** Over 170 mods in total *** WorldEdit, WorldGuard, LWC, Essentials, McMMO, Multiverse, and more. Admins: LordSkout, Kmartinator, Doctor_Leroy, Llarryllamma, Rinvalak, & 3lfCommander Moderators: bherzig
Kmartinator Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 We're excited to get the server under way and help new folks get started! The server is essentially whitelisted, as folks will not be able to join until they get access to the modpack through our website. This feature helps us help you keep your builds safe, and the custom modpack means we can make changes as we (the staff and the playerbase) dictate. Think a mod is great? Offer it as a suggestion, and if it doesn't break the server in some terrible way, we'll probably get it in there. Tekkit players will likely feel at home with our modpack, but we hope that there are enough other mods in there to give just a bit of spice to the experience and make it even more fun. The staff for this server, though by no means all-knowing, includes a wide range of experience from troubleshooting mod incompatibilities to making awesome looking and functioning builds in-game to managing people in an online community. Most of us are around most of the time, so we're quick to respond to any issues that may arise. If you have any questions, of course, feel free to post here or PM myself or Skout. We look forward to having you along for the ride!!
llarryllamma Posted April 27, 2013 Posted April 27, 2013 Server has just started up, so there is still lots of land left to claim for a base. We are looking for more people to join our server. Gregtech is mostly in easy mode.
bherzig Posted May 7, 2013 Posted May 7, 2013 Also, there is a sweet maze with a special treat at the end (if you make it that far). If you hate mazes, we also have hidden treasure chests on the spawn island to find/raid. And everyone loves treasure hunts. We have gotten several new people in the past couple weeks and we are looking forward to more joining us. It's a great environment on the server with some people grouping up to build epic bases and others choosing to go it alone down on the farm. Come join us and see if you can take the top slot for MCMMO XP!
Skout Posted May 10, 2013 Author Posted May 10, 2013 We're in the process of adding a new dungeonmaze world to the server for even more adventuring beyond the regular world and Twilight Forest. Always more to come! If anyone has anything else to suggest as an addition to the server, feel free to share. We're always open to new ideas - mods, plugins, worlds, or whatever!
Skout Posted May 20, 2013 Author Posted May 20, 2013 A new world, Tenebrae, has been added for the sole purpose of serving our players' dungeoneering needs. We're utilizing the DungeonMaze plugin and have set this world to the Hard difficulty setting. Tenebrae is open to all of MKR's approved players - all they have to do is find the portal which is rumored to be in plain sight but tough to reach. Come join us by applying on our forum at
Kmartinator Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 Made an update to our pack to hopefully get things running even smoother. Still in 1.4.7, but now most of the mods are in their latest 1.4.7 iteration. Also added a couple of new mods suggested by our players, just to spice things up a little. All signs point to things working better! There was never a better time to join up! Doing our best to keep moving with the times, and always happy for input from new folks to the group!
CanVox Posted June 4, 2013 Posted June 4, 2013 · Hidden Hidden Hello, please edit the OP of this thread to follow the rules and guidelines in the stickied post.
RinValak Posted June 5, 2013 Posted June 5, 2013 What im currently working on, some city planning from atop my tower
Skout Posted June 13, 2013 Author Posted June 13, 2013 With the new modpack bringing us up over 170 mods, we're looking at other options to expand and improve the server and our offerings. Applied Energistics is a real game changer, causing lots of changes at bases everywhere. If you haven't joined us, now's the time to jump in and check MKR out! Look for more updates coming soon!
Skout Posted June 25, 2013 Author Posted June 25, 2013 Player Build Spotlight: Ackanime I've been touring the world visiting some of our players to see what they've come up with. There's so much to share, so from time to time I'll pop up here to show what I find. Today it's Ackanime, who built herself a nice ranch on the plains (surrounded by an enviable amount of magic nodes, I might add!). The front door to the place is warm and welcoming - at least so long as you're not a creeper or zombie. I love her architectural style, and she's apparently going out of her way to farm every type of crop MKR has to offer, and that is no small amount courtesy of Pam's Harvestcraft. She's also made some progress with bees, something I can't yet claim, and the flowers are crazy out of hand. You can also see one of the aura nodes here. (*insert more envious glares here*) Anyway, there's a whole lot more to see, and I'll try to visit again with more updates from some of our other creative users. As always, we're open for applicants at
Skout Posted June 29, 2013 Author Posted June 29, 2013 We had our first real road bump since going public yesterday, but thankfully no data was lost and the server was restored yesterday evening. We've got a handful of new players in and exploring what our monster modpack has to offer, and would love to have you join us. Stop in and submit an application at
Skout Posted July 5, 2013 Author Posted July 5, 2013 We have skipped 1.5.x but we're hopeful of enough of the mods MKR uses will update to 1.6 that we'll be able to upgrade directly. We'll keep those interested up to date as things progress on our forum.
Skout Posted July 16, 2013 Author Posted July 16, 2013 We're still running strong. The server is stable and healthy only require a reboot once every 1.5 weeks or so. Join us by completing an app here.
MATYZ Posted July 26, 2013 Posted July 26, 2013 the server is good. but the plugin antigrif is a shit. and the / home / tpa is for donors.
Skout Posted August 5, 2013 Author Posted August 5, 2013 "MATYZ said: the server is good. but the plugin antigrif is a shit. and the / home / tpa is for donors. Indeed, anti-griefing is a necessary evil, especially when dealing with new users who don't abide by no stealing no griefing rules. To clarify, everyone at MKR gets the normal home which is their bed. /home and other teleport slash commands are available to donators as perks.
Kmartinator Posted August 13, 2013 Posted August 13, 2013 Had a pretty successful Mumble Monday last night. Caught up with a few folks that drifted away from the server a bit, and got a few new faces into the bunch too! For the time being, we're probably sticking with our 1.4.7 modpack and skipping 1.5 entirely. Plans may possibly change depending on how antsy we get, but either way, still having a ton of fun doing Minecraft things!
Skout Posted August 19, 2013 Author Posted August 19, 2013 We have recently acquired a new server with twice the RAM which should signify Good Things in our future. We're currently maintaining our current custom 1.4.7 modpack as well as an instance of FTB Unleashed available to all registered members. Lots of changes coming down the pipe. I'll be sure to share as they happen! Join us at and fill out an application!
Skout Posted August 27, 2013 Author Posted August 27, 2013 Our instances have been moved over to the new server, now serving the MKR community with 32gb of RAM. Join us at and fill out an application!
Doctor_Leroy Posted September 30, 2013 Posted September 30, 2013 Thanks for such great Minecraft experience. Any problems i have had, are near promptly responded to. Thanks guys. :]
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