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Title: Advanced Wooden Pipes turning into Saplings

Version: 1_0_3

OS: Windows 7 64bit

Java Version: 1.7.0_21 b 111

Description of Problem:

Advanced Wooden Pipes (5808) turns into Oak Saplings when placed next to a structure. When placed against a machine, results are random.

Against a Cargo Manager, you get a block of plank.

Against a Liquid Transposer, you get a block of dirt with grass.

Happens in 1_0_3 and 1_0_4

Error Messages:

Error Log:

6 answers to this question

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I can confirm this bug, but which block the pipe turns into is actually related to the side of the machine where you place the pipe.

  • 0

Thanks CanVox! i have updated my server and client by moving my world and add some mods and change config as i want it. Having one problem now... Some Phase pipes dont send stuff to eachother.

I have an Phase pipe at freq 20, and then an other with the same, ofc change one to recieve, but stuff dont bein sent to the other pipe. i have tried to replace...

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