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Ore distribution in big dig?


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Does it just make all ores available at all levels, or just increase the chance that you will find an ore, but still keep the distribution about the same. So basically ... are diamonds still most plentiful at level 12 or so, near bedrock? I seem to find more of them right at the surface...

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I haven't seen anything about this on Metallurgy's MCF thread, but from my experience the ore is generated a set number of times (or within a set range) randomly throughout a chunk with no regard for altitude nor vanilla distribution. The exception is of course, the altitude must be below what the config is set at (96 by default) and the ore must generate where there is already stone.

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Yes, Metallurgy has an "even" spread of ores by default. This can be modified for a more restrictive distribution, along with turning back on vanilla ore distributions.

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So if the metallurgy mod is installed, there is no reason to go down to bedrock and then mine outwards? (until you get a quarry of course, im talking about starting a new world).

So basically i could just start strip mining, mimicing how a quarry works, and get the same ore as if I mined at level 12 all the time?

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Yep. Although I'd rather modify heights so that I have a reason to go spelunking instead. More fun to go find out what lies below in that hole you found just outside your dirt shack. :D

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