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1.3.4 change log and how to migrate from 1.2.2?

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One good idea if your players wanna keep some of their stuff: ender storage contents are stored in a separate folder from everything else, so you could instruct players to stick stuff in the endernet. Or, temporarily enable vanilla ender chests and let players do that. Once the new map has been generated, copy in the old ender storage network folder, and players can pull their stuff out. Obviously this isn't a 100% fix, because lots of items can't be carried over (IC2, RP2 stuff), but especially if players use the Forge Lexicon to convert their copper/tin/etc. to thermal expansion ingots, players will at least have a nest egg to start the new server with.

That's just an idea. I know how tough it is to convert maps, but one thing I can promise you is that this won't happen very often at all. The big reason why you're seeing these upheavals now is, because RP2 can't be carried over, we knew we were going to have to break maps anyway. So this is one of our rare opportunities to remove mods from our pack, and we took it.

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