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3 weeks ago I made a modpack, and it worked. since then I have tried many times and all I get is vanilla minecraft.

every time I make the folders with the correct lettering.

I put all of the MC forge items into a folder and turn it into a .Jar

I add these mods


Smart moving http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/361430-152smp-smart-moving/

Flans (the content pack with have a - at the start of them) http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...lanes-vehicles-guns-multiplayer-tdm-conquest/

-Simple parts

-WW2 Pack

-Ye olde pack

-Manus Vehicle pack

Asgard shield. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...ed-knockback-enchant-support-v204-upd-may-26/

Balkons weapon mod http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/211517-152forge-balkons-weaponmod-v111/

Ancient warfare. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...are-catapults-and-siege-enginesforgesmpwipdl/

these Core mods

GUI api

Player API

Render API

I then turn it into a zip and upload it to dropbox in the PUBLIC folder. Once it is done I then click on copy link to clip board and put it on my mod pack

this mod pack http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/absolute-war-craft.107099

I then put it on the technic launcher and open it. It downloads and stops on the first mod, it then instantly opens the MC vanilla.


What does the link from your dropbox look like?

Does it start with https://www. or https://dl.

Because you need the https://dl. variant. Platform won't work with the download otherwise.

EDIT: I also noticed you're not actually asking a question.

What did you want us to do exactly? I mean, I hope my answer above helps, but if you need help, you should probably ask a question next time.


Well that did work, also i thought you meant the link that you put in the technic launcher. I checked the dropbox one and its fine.

So my new questions is. Why is this happening and what can i do to fix it


Well that did work, also i thought you meant the link that you put in the technic launcher. I checked the dropbox one and its fine.

So my new questions is. Why is this happening and what can i do to fix it

Make sure you have your zip setup correctly. All of the folders should be directly in the zip, not in a sub folder inside the zip.

Eg. pack.zip/mods... etc., and not pack.zip/pack/mods...


I think it may be your bin setup. you just rename the forge version to modpack.jar yours has a sub directory in it i do not recognize. Also I have never set up flans so not to sure how that sub directory set up works. When I make a modpack I just have bin, config, mods, and coremods.


but the forge is called modpack.jar??????

also about flans, someone just told me to look at a mod pack's folder (in .technic) that has flans in it so i just copied they layout and adderd the content pack that i wanted


Flan does look okay. That's how it is supposed to be set up.

Two questions:

- What version of Minecraft is this modpack for? I see coremods for 1.5.2, and regular mods for 1.5.1. You may wish to look into that.

- Do you really need "Smart Moving Server", "Smart Moving Standalone" AND "Smart Moving Universal for ModLoader or Minecraft Forge or MCPC+.zip"? I'm not familiar with the Smart Moving mod, but look in the instructions to see which one of those you need.


Flan does look okay. That's how it is supposed to be set up.

Two questions:

- What version of Minecraft is this modpack for? I see coremods for 1.5.2, and regular mods for 1.5.1. You may wish to look into that.


I dont know how that got past me..... *face palm*

I got rid of all the extra smart moving parts

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