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I recently installed a linux operating system to my computer.

So right now i'm running on xubuntu (unsure of the version #)

I've been trying to get tekkit classic to run on this computer and have been unable to.

Every time I try to launch it launchs the pack but then it stays at a black screen.

On the wiki it says to enter this code in the terminal when you cd to the saved location ->(

java -jar technic-launcher-latest.jar


I went to terminal and tried to cd to that location but have been unable to.

Since everytime I try it says it cant find the java folder or something like that.

I know this may be vague explination and I apologize for that, but if anyone has any ideas on how to fix please tell me. thanks.


First of all: java -jar TechnicLauncher.jar should be the correct command.

Second: Where exactly are you trying to cd to? If you downloaded it through a browser

it should be cd /home/<YourUserName>/Downloads

Tbh, it seems to me like you're trying to run this command

cd java -jar technin-launcher-latest.jar

Which is wrong. You don't cd to java to run an application.

The "cd" command stands for change directory.

For the sake of eliminating the case of you missing java, since your explanation is pretty vague

try running this

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

I use Minecraft on Ubuntu 12.04 and to get anything to work I have to update my LWJGL. There are plenty of tutorials around.

Here's a quick tutorial:

After you get Tekkit running, close out of it.

Download LWJGL from http://www.lwjgl.org/

Open Nautilus (or Thunar, whatever xubuntu uses)

and navigate to where you installed technic.

This is usually at /home/<YourUserName>/.technic

If you can't view that directory, click on "view" at the top bar and click on "show hidden files and folders"

Enter the .technic/tekkit/bin/ directory.

Replace jinput.jar, lwjgl.jar and lwjgl_util.jar with the ones from the archive you downloaded.

Replace all the natives.

Congratz, no more sticky keys and weird mouse issues.

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