EGC.NightStalker Posted July 6, 2013 Author Posted July 6, 2013 "cooky_monsta100 said: Nickname: cooky_monsta100 Age: 20 What are you going to build?: oxygen farm and moon base and space station. same as QuanShi we are freinds You have been whitelisted... knock yourselfs out :)
Beowulf54 Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 "EGC.NightStalker said: After some weeks of building and tweaking, the moment is there. We present to you our new European Gamers Community Tekkit server. Of course with some nice mods, but not to many to interfere with game performance. The seed we are using is a nice seed with lots of everything, jungle, desert, plains and snowy area`s. And not to mention the Moon who is waiting to feel some first steps The spawn area (picture above) currently has 16 vacant shops that can be rented by in-game currency. There you can decorate and place your own goods for selling. Not to mention there is a public crafting area with machines to get players of there feet a bit more quickly. Anti-Grief Note: Allot of placed blocks are automatically protected. Such as doors, chests, quarry, pumps, pipes, energy conduits, tesseracts etc. Apart from that are some items banned in the main (home) world. For example players cannot dig up your home with a quarry. You can find some more info about banned items below. (spawn) Tekkit Server ip: Teamspeak ip: Website/Forum: Hardware: This server is not a rented/shared hosting box. But our own EGC 24/7 dedicated server. (Intel i7 2600K, 1600Mhz 16GB RAM, 2 SSD`s.) World (Main world where you can build your House, farms, factories and nice structures) Mining World (The place where you swing your pickaxes and destroy landscapes with your quarry's and mining turtles) Nether Moon Your very own space-station! Towny (Create your own town!) mcMMO MobArena (Arena where you can fight waves of mobs!) BuyRegion (Rent a place where you can create your shop near spawn!) SignShop (Lets you create shops in a real easy way) Essentials (Gives you loads of commands) LWC (Gives you loads of commands) MoneyDrop (Drops money when killing mobs) TogglePVP (/togglepvp to turn pvp on or off) Simple auto-save (Saves worlds and characters every 5 minutes. Custom hourly backup script that copies the entire Minecraft Server Folder. StarGate (server/admin mod) Vault (server/admin mod) WorldEdit (server/admin mod) WorldGuard (server/admin mod) Think we are missing a plugin? please suggest! Dimensional Doors Mystcraft TNT. (Anti-Grief) TNT Carts. (Anti-Grief) Power Fist. (Anti-Grief) Quarry and Mining Turtle are disabled in the main World. (Anti-Grief) Chunk Loader because of there possible radius, use Teleport Tether instead. (Reduce Lag) No griefing, stealing, harassing etc. No duplicating of items in any form. No excessive creation of flowing water or lava. No x-ray vision etc. No building/mining within towns of a 100 block radius without explicit permission from the town's owner. Treat other players nice and respectful. Attempting to and/or crashing the server can result in a permanent ban. Keep an eye on your quarry to make sure it does not spill items on the floor. By applying for a white list means you agree to the rules above. To be able to play you need to get whitelisted first. To do so, simply post the following: Nickname: {your minecraft ingame name} Age: {your age} What are you going to build?: {moonbase?} For your information, whitelisting should go quick since the admins receive a e-mail on their mobile upon white list request. Hope to see you in-game "EGC.NightStalker said: After some weeks of building and tweaking, the moment is there. We present to you our new European Gamers Community Tekkit server. Of course with some nice mods, but not to many to interfere with game performance. The seed we are using is a nice seed with lots of everything, jungle, desert, plains and snowy area`s. And not to mention the Moon who is waiting to feel some first steps The spawn area (picture above) currently has 16 vacant shops that can be rented by in-game currency. There you can decorate and place your own goods for selling. Not to mention there is a public crafting area with machines to get players of there feet a bit more quickly. Anti-Grief Note: Allot of placed blocks are automatically protected. Such as doors, chests, quarry, pumps, pipes, energy conduits, tesseracts etc. Apart from that are some items banned in the main (home) world. For example players cannot dig up your home with a quarry. You can find some more info about banned items below. (spawn) Tekkit Server ip: Teamspeak ip: Website/Forum: Hardware: This server is not a rented/shared hosting box. But our own EGC 24/7 dedicated server. (Intel i7 2600K, 1600Mhz 16GB RAM, 2 SSD`s.) World (Main world where you can build your House, farms, factories and nice structures) Mining World (The place where you swing your pickaxes and destroy landscapes with your quarry's and mining turtles) Nether Moon Your very own space-station! Towny (Create your own town!) mcMMO MobArena (Arena where you can fight waves of mobs!) BuyRegion (Rent a place where you can create your shop near spawn!) SignShop (Lets you create shops in a real easy way) Essentials (Gives you loads of commands) LWC (Gives you loads of commands) MoneyDrop (Drops money when killing mobs) TogglePVP (/togglepvp to turn pvp on or off) Simple auto-save (Saves worlds and characters every 5 minutes. Custom hourly backup script that copies the entire Minecraft Server Folder. StarGate (server/admin mod) Vault (server/admin mod) WorldEdit (server/admin mod) WorldGuard (server/admin mod) Think we are missing a plugin? please suggest! Dimensional Doors Mystcraft TNT. (Anti-Grief) TNT Carts. (Anti-Grief) Power Fist. (Anti-Grief) Quarry and Mining Turtle are disabled in the main World. (Anti-Grief) Chunk Loader because of there possible radius, use Teleport Tether instead. (Reduce Lag) No griefing, stealing, harassing etc. No duplicating of items in any form. No excessive creation of flowing water or lava. No x-ray vision etc. No building/mining within towns of a 100 block radius without explicit permission from the town's owner. Treat other players nice and respectful. Attempting to and/or crashing the server can result in a permanent ban. Keep an eye on your quarry to make sure it does not spill items on the floor. By applying for a white list means you agree to the rules above. To be able to play you need to get whitelisted first. To do so, simply post the following: Nickname: {your minecraft ingame name} Age: {your age} What are you going to build?: {moonbase?} For your information, whitelisting should go quick since the admins receive a e-mail on their mobile upon white list request. Hope to see you in-game
Beowulf54 Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Nickname: Beowulf54 Age: 23 What are you going to build?: a large city on either the world and/or moon.
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 6, 2013 Author Posted July 6, 2013 "Beowulf54 said: Nickname: Beowulf54 Age: 23 What are you going to build?: a large city on either the world and/or moon. Whitelisted, have fun! :)
Phoenix238 Posted July 7, 2013 Posted July 7, 2013 Nickname: Phoenix238 Age: 26 What are you going to build?: Haven't played with the new tekkit before, so I'll be experimenting with it to start with. Usually build a small tech base with large storage systems and moving objects.
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 7, 2013 Author Posted July 7, 2013 "" "Phoenix238 said: Nickname: Phoenix238 Age: 26 What are you going to build?: Haven't played with the new tekkit before, so I'll be experimenting with it to start with. Usually build a small tech base with large storage systems and moving objects. Whitelisted, have fun! :)
QuanShi Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 Hey, there's a problem with space stations. Towny wont let me edit them, or open the chest from spaceship. Says not aloud to edit in wild.
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 8, 2013 Author Posted July 8, 2013 "QuanShi said: Hey, there's a problem with space stations. Towny wont let me edit them, or open the chest from spaceship. Says not aloud to edit in wild. Fixed :)
rawesttolive Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 Name: rawesttolive age: 17 What are you going to build? I've never played tekkit before so I think I'm going to learn on this server.
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 8, 2013 Author Posted July 8, 2013 "rawesttolive said: Name: rawesttolive age: 17 What are you going to build? I've never played tekkit before so I think I'm going to learn on this server. You have been whitelisted, have fun! :)
spartan_5573 Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 My account is already whitelistes, however I am applying for a friend so he can join too name: yoko52 age:16 What are you going to build: I intend to join with spartan5573 and build up the compound, and moon base with him
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 9, 2013 Author Posted July 9, 2013 yoko52 "spartan_5573 said: My account is already whitelistes, however I am applying for a friend so he can join too name: yoko52 age:16 What are you going to build: I intend to join with spartan5573 and build up the compound, and moon base with him Noted on the whitelist, have fun guys :)
ps5cfw Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Nickname: ps5cfw Age: 17 What are you going to build?: For start, I'll build an eremitic house upon an island, after that I could make a town after all, but no moon, absolutely no moon.
AlbinoGunner Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Nickname: AlbinoGunner Age: 18 What are you going to build?: No idea, I will probably just make it up as I go along.
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 9, 2013 Author Posted July 9, 2013 "ps5cfw said: Nickname: ps5cfw Age: 17 What are you going to build?: For start, I'll build an eremitic house upon an island, after that I could make a town after all, but no moon, absolutely no moon. Whitelisted, have fun! Banned already for disrespect towards other players.
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 9, 2013 Author Posted July 9, 2013 "AlbinoGunner said: Nickname: AlbinoGunner Age: 18 What are you going to build?: No idea, I will probably just make it up as I go along. Whitelisted, have fun! :)
SpecialZ7 Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 Nickname: SpecialZ7 Age: 17 What are you going to build?: A Big Home with all kind of things, An Overworld LaunchStation, also wanna make a moonbase and a SpaceStation!
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 13, 2013 Author Posted July 13, 2013 "SpecialZ7 said: Nickname: SpecialZ7 Age: 17 What are you going to build?: A Big Home with all kind of things, An Overworld LaunchStation, also wanna make a moonbase and a SpaceStation! Added to the whitelist, enjoy!
Xzendon Posted July 13, 2013 Posted July 13, 2013 Nickname: {Camonamo} Age: {13} What are you going to build?: {unspecified}
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 13, 2013 Author Posted July 13, 2013 "Xzendon said: Nickname: {Camonamo} Age: {13} What are you going to build?: {unspecified} Added to the whitelist, have some fun! :D
Sungbin Jeon Posted July 14, 2013 Posted July 14, 2013 Nickname: jeontop2 Age: 21 What are you going to build?: I would like to build whatever comes to my mind or what I think will actually be useful. I'm currently learning to play on this new tekkit (I played on tekkit classic before). I love to build on normal minecraft too so I will do my best to make the best-possible building to my extend. Thanks.
Staple_merchant Posted July 14, 2013 Posted July 14, 2013 Nickname: Primetwo Age: 21 What are you going to build?: Build whatever comes to my mind. New to tekkit and looking to learn to play :D
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 14, 2013 Author Posted July 14, 2013 "Sungbin Jeon said: Nickname: jeontop2 Age: 21 What are you going to build?: I would like to build whatever comes to my mind or what I think will actually be useful. I'm currently learning to play on this new tekkit (I played on tekkit classic before). I love to build on normal minecraft too so I will do my best to make the best-possible building to my extend. Thanks. Added to the whitelist, enjoy! :)
EGC.NightStalker Posted July 14, 2013 Author Posted July 14, 2013 "Staple_merchant said: Nickname: Primetwo Age: 21 What are you going to build?: Build whatever comes to my mind. New to tekkit and looking to learn to play Added to the whitelist, have fun! :D
mreyno Posted July 14, 2013 Posted July 14, 2013 Nickname: {your minecraft ingame name}mreyno Age: {your age}13 What are you going to build?: {moonbase?}a armour factory
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