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So, the title- I'm after a compatible map editor so I can clear a large space. (96x96) I'm trying to make a castle. Normally in tekkit I'd use fillers; but this time around I don't have that option. I don't need the map editor to do the BUILDING- just the clearing. Anyone got any ideas?


Use the vanilla minecraft editor "TNT".

Use spot or grid applications, rather than one giant crater, with acne pits surrounding it.

Creative mode also lets you one hit any block. TNT complements that by blowing through dirt.


You could also make getting the ankh an adventure- it's a rare drop from the Pharoah boss, who can be summoned with 13 torches and 9 redstone. I understand that some folks don't want to have to go to all that trouble just to make their house, though. :)


It travels at about the same speed as other fireballs, ... from 256-64=192 blocks away, you might be able to sneak out from under it. It stays over the block you were standing on when you clicked.

You should check if right clicking mobs or blocks will drop the fireball on the target block.

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