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Tekkit "Minecraft run out of memory"



Launcher/pack Version: ( Tekkit Newest

Operating System: Windows 7 64bit

Version of Java: 1.7.0_03 64bit and Java 6 Update 31 32bit (?)

Description of Problem: I host my own server to play on my own, with "java -Xmx1G -Xms512M -jar Tekkit.jar nogui" launch options, and use newest tekkit. I start playing on my server connecting through and after like 2-3min start getting HUGE lagg spikes which ends up in memory run out. Also in task manager it shows that minecraft is running 32bit.

Error Messages: minecraft run out of memory

Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/fAYbPsC9 and found this one http://pastebin.com/Qy3ZhqHL

P.S. Sorry for bad english.

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well, first thing I'd do is make sure you're running both the client and the server with 64-bit java. uninstall the 32-bit version if you have to. see if that improves things.

if that doesn't work, up your max ram on the server and client a bit. try -Xmx1500M or so as well as selecting the 1.5 gig option for the client from the launcher.

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Try first uninstalling java 6, then reinstalling java 7 and the pack.

Sounds like you have the launcher trying to grab java 6, and that could either be a java issue or a launcher issue.

So nothing? You just abandon this error?

What do you expect? do you expect someone who doesn't have an answer to waste his time posting on your thread anyways?
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I expect mods/technicians take a look at it, and investigate, ask about details and stuff. And without Java 6 launcher doesnt work.

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I expect mods/technicians take a look at it, and investigate, ask about details and stuff. And without Java 6 launcher doesnt work.

Then you are highly mistaken. The mods are not here to provide tech support, we moderate the forums to make sure the rules are being followed and people aren't making bad posts.

There is no promised support, and nobody owes you anything. In most cases, nobody is going to do ANY investigation into your individual problems. Your answers are going to be from people who already had your problem and were smart enough to solve it on their own.

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Well why then there are bug board?

http://pastebin.com/BcA3k9mV I uninstalled all technic launcher/server/vanilla minecraft and still getting this, and massive lagg spikes after 3min joining new world. The F3 debug red background goes to the top, and graph is spiking from bottom to top. I dont have any idea what it could be.

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Well why then there are bug board?

http://pastebin.com/BcA3k9mV I uninstalled all technic launcher/server/vanilla minecraft and still getting this, and massive lagg spikes after 3min joining new world. The F3 debug red background goes to the top, and graph is spiking from bottom to top. I dont have any idea what it could be.

So that people don't try to gunk up literally every other board with their bug reports. Also, because sometimes people DO find solutions and share them.
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So nothing? You just abandon this error?

I don't know if you noticed, but this last weekend? it was fucking easter weekend. I was out having a life outside of fixing everyone's virtual problems on the internet.

additionally, I have nothing really to tell you other than I am now super motivated to not think about your problem at all in my spare time.

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Why everyone takes this so serious? I was just asking, im sorry for my poor english language, i dont know how to say it more softly.... Chillax. Also, could it be something with sphax texture pack? Also i was having easter weekend too. Went to my grandparents and other friends..

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Why everyone takes this so serious? I was just asking, im sorry for my poor english language, i dont know how to say it more softly.... Chillax. Also, could it be something with sphax texture pack? Also i was having easter weekend too. Went to my grandparents and other friends..

Yes. especially if you're using the 128x pack.

People are taking it seriously because you're coming off very antagonistically. Also, for the sake of the English language, never use chillax ever again. that "word" is terrible.

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K, and no, im using 64x version, for sake of fps. No thats isnt the problem. If i use default texture pack, i still get huge lag spikes.

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umm... hey guys my tekkit is fine for the first 5 mins and then really lags untill i have a "out of memory" message :( please help it driving me mad :( btw i am playing on single player on a samsung Q530 which runs on windows 7 and has a 4 gb ram and a i 3 core proccessor so shouldent lag :( please help

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Having same problem, my server run's smooth than just stop's randomly saying out of memory where there is 8gb allocated to it. Was working fine than all the sudden out of the blue it started fuckin up.



-centOS 6

-10 gb ddr3 ram

-i7 3.2ghz

-is a VPS in a data center

java spec's


java version "1.7.0_02"

Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_02-b13)

Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)

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I had this problem as well and was able to resolve it. There seem to be two problems:

[list type=decimal]

[li]Java 6 really doesn't cut it for Tekkit. You need Java 7.[/li]

[li]Java 7 doesn't seem to make itself the "default" Java when you install it.[/li]

The solution is to uninstall all copies of Java 6 before you install Java 7. I had to:

[list type=decimal]

[li]Uninstall Java 7 (which I'd already installed).[/li]

[li]Uninstall multiple copies of Java 6, until none remained.[/li]

[li]Install Java 7 again. The liniks on Technic's front page seem to be dead, so download it here. Make sure to get the 64-bit version if you're on a 64-bit version of Windows![/li]

(Note for modders: I didn't uninstall my 1.6 JDK; it doesn't seem to cause any problems, even installed alongside a 1.7 JRE.)

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The SPax requires 2gb ram allocated to it so i reccommend default and then make sure you are not allocating more ram to technic than you hae (leave at least 512 mb free)

Good Luck!!! :)

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I actually had an isssue with java crashing after about 1-2 hours and not releasing its resources (i.e. RAM) It could not be killed with the taskmanager either and I came to a point, where I was pretty sure, it was not releasing graphics resources neatly, thus a conflict between drivers and java and lwjogl. Since I was running it on a onboard graphiccard and they are not supported by minecraft (see minecraft.net) I attributed it toward that, but chainging to Tekkit 3.0.0-smooth solved the issue. I suppose it was due to the newer Minecraft version.

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