Title: Server kicks me when rightclicking diamond shield
Version: 1_0_4
OS: Linux Debian
Java Version: 1.7
Description of Problem:
Hey, i was using a diamond shield gilded or something and rightclicked a while. after releasing the rightclick key I was kicked with the servermessage "nope"
Error Messages:
2013-07-28 11:49:54 [WARNING] xcry7 tried to set an invalid carried item
Title: Server kicks me when rightclicking diamond shield
Version: 1_0_4
OS: Linux Debian
Java Version: 1.7
Description of Problem:
Hey, i was using a diamond shield gilded or something and rightclicked a while. after releasing the rightclick key I was kicked with the servermessage "nope"
Error Messages:
2013-07-28 11:49:54 [WARNING] xcry7 tried to set an invalid carried item
2013-07-28 11:49:54 [iNFO] Unloading Player: xcry7
Error Log:
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