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Title: magmatic engine broken?

Version: 0.5.1

OS: windows 64 bit

Java Version: Java Version 1.7.0_25 from Oracle Corporation

Description of Problem:

On my LAN server with my friend we decided to make and use magmatic engines it started off good the engines would pump power through a wood conduit then that was connected to a stone conduit then a phased conduit pipe and then somewhere else i had another phased conduit pipe with the same frequency connected to a stone conduit pipe that ran into a quarry but for an unknown reason instead for working like it used to it would clog up at the first stone conduit pipe. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!

Error Messages:

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9 answers to this question

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Phased pipes don't work. Magmatic engines are fine.

i have tried just connecting them to the quarry via only stone conduit pipes after that weird thing happened with the power cloging in one pipe. it still clogs.

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i have tried just connecting them to the quarry via only stone conduit pipes after that weird thing happened with the power cloging in one pipe. it still clogs.

Buildcraft conductive pipes in general are bugged. Use Redstone Energy Conduits or connect them directly to the quarry.

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Buildcraft conductive pipes in general are bugged. Use Redstone Energy Conduits or connect them directly to the quarry.

thanks just setup a energy tesseract beside the quarry and one beside the engines with the same freq working well so far. :)

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thanks just setup a energy tesseract beside the quarry and one beside the engines with the same freq working well so far. :)

Yes! Exactly. Tesseracts are the non buggy replacement for Phased Pipes. Have fun! :)

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Mkay. I was about to just hit spamcleaner on Battcon's posts (I'm feelin lazy), but that would have gotten rid of Adampaul111 as well. Identical IPs.

I'm going to assume it's a roommate or sibling and not some odd attempt at trolling by insulting himself.

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