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Hi eveyone.

I want to clear out a realy large area on my tekkit server and wand to create some kind of soccet with stone stairs for a big building.

Is there a way to do this with tekkit? I tried the builder - but it seems to be disabled. I also tried the quarry since it at least clears out the area which is a big help, but I could not get the quarry to set up a bigger frame with the help of landmarks. The normal one is far to small to just clear out the terrain efficiently...

Any Ideas?


Place 3 landmarks (with LoS to each other), up to 63 blocks apart, right click two of them so you get the red outline, then place a quarry touching one of the landmarks (on the outside of the outline). You can clear 64x64 that way.


The filler works nicely. In the interface, you use glass to clear the area and brick to fill. If you want stairs just place the brick like you would to craft stairs then give it the blocks and it will place them for you.

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