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Finding error logs


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I have recently encountered a problem (tekkit crashes shortly after logging into a friend's server), and I'm trying to figure out why. It would be great if I could get an error message when the game crashes, just so I could start heading the right direction in finding a solution. Is there a log file that I can look at that records events after the game starts? If not, is there some way to run tekkit directly from terminal (instead of the Technic loader) so that I can grab all of java's exceptions?

ps. first thread. sorry if it's in the wrong section, but "I can't find logs" didn't quite seem to be a bug report.

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one place you can try is: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\.technic\tekkitmain\crash-reports

i dont know why but the error logs appear on my desktop every time i crash without a visual warning of the crash.

the files are named "hs_err_pid2752.log" and by that number i think ive crashed a lot xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for the late response, but I did find the logs thanks to CharlieChop. Turns out that (probably because I use linux), my logs are in the home folder, and have similar names. Unfortunately, it seems that the logs have segfaults, which i assume are from JNI, which I don't know how to debug. I don't think Gdb would work with mostly java, and I think I'm the only one with my particular problem. Thx anyway.

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sorry for the late response, but I did find the logs thanks to CharlieChop. Turns out that (probably because I use linux), my logs are in the home folder, and have similar names. Unfortunately, it seems that the logs have segfaults, which i assume are from JNI, which I don't know how to debug. I don't think Gdb would work with mostly java, and I think I'm the only one with my particular problem. Thx anyway.

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