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Farm don't create Farmland



Launcher/pack Version: Local: 2.1.0 | 1.1 | Latest | Rec. Build | Server: Tekkit 2.1.1

Operating System: Local: Windows 7 64 Bit | Server: Debian 6.0 64bit

Version of Java: Local: 1.7.0_02 | Server: 1.6.0_18

Description of Problem: I have a big problem with the Forestry-Mod. If I place a farm and connect it to the Buildcraft Energy - it also gets the energy - it catches though to the surface to diminish but makes afterwards nothing at all more.

Neither establish farmland or seed to plant. Although earth and seed are in the box!! (The Energy Link gets 72EU stable) Do you know a solution?

(Sorry for my bad English :D)

Error Messages: None

Link to pastebin of log: /






Farm Inventory


10 answers to this question

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I didn't say conductive pipes don't work, but I know there are issues with them, especially with powerconverters if i recall correctly. Also, no you do not need a full stack of each ingredient to start a farm. It will not attempt to plant until it has placed all the dirt, but it will plant whatever dirt you give it, and whatever seeds you give it once the dirt is placed. You can run a farm with one seed if you want.

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Nobody have the some problem? I'm the only one? Oo

I'm having the same exact problem as well, but you beat me to the punch. Mine however will build 2 or 3 rows of dirt before stopping. It does this with Wheat Farms and Tree Farms alike. I tried using Electrical, Steam, and even Redstone Engines, but it seems that 3 planted rows is the best I can get even though it clears out the large proper area it should be working. I think it heavily relys on location for some reason, because in certain location it only builds & maintains 1 row of dirt, some 2, and some 3.

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I've got the same problem from time to time. I just reset the link between the engines and arboretum. make sure arboretum gets placed first, then pipes then engine. That normally fixes it for me.

Also you making sure your farmland has dirt and tree/rubbertree farms have humus?

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Hello everyone.

The Main Problem was the Java Version on the Server. After an update to 1.7 the Farm began to work. Now i'm using one Electric Engine for each Forestry machine with a Low Voltage Solar Array. It's works really good for me.

A little Question btw: Logger (Tree Farms) don't collect dropped apples in Tekkit?

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