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I've got a solder install on linux(gentoo) which is giving me some odd issues. All of the paths are correct and the links to download the mods works just fine. However,

  • every file shows the same hash "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
  • adding a modpack fails saying the resource files aren't present

Further, the PHP error log shows nothing new and the solder/laravel log dir "storage/logs/" is empty.

Needless to say I'm beyond frustrated. Can anyone help me solve this?

EDIT: The issue seemed to stem from lack of documentation of what the repo path is relative to, to which I still don't know the answer. On typical setups an absolute path will work. On my setup that absolute path is relative to the PHP chroot, not / and not docroot.

If sct or whoever is interested for the next version.. when getting an invalid hash, an error including the path attempted would be extremely helpful.


That particular hash indicates that Solder cannot access the files requested. Verify that your repository permissions allow Solder to read the files (755 permission or better), and also check to make sure that your repository is correctly linked to Solder.


Thank you kindly for the reply. The user that runs the PHP pool also owns the files, but perms are 775 anyway. Solder is correctly linked to the platform. I'm not sure what you mean by the repo being linked to solder. My repo is "TechnicSolder/public/repo" accessible via "example.com/repo/" and despite the hash issues, the links generated in solder when you add a mod work perfectly.

The only difference between this setup and my previous setup(other than distro) is that PHP is chrooted via PHP-FPM, which I need for security of vhosts. I created /dev/random and /dev/urandom in the chroot. Perhaps whatever hash function Solder is using requires another device node and is failing silently?

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