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[1.6.4] Aegis Gaia Life [50 Slots] [Greylist] [RPPvP] [Custom Map] [Tech Tree]

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Aegis Gaming

proudly presents…


Gaia Life launches on Saturday, November 30th. Apply before then to play on launch day!

An application is required in order to play, chat, and interact with other players.

Apply on our website, be sure to read our guide to a successful application if you want your application to be accepted the first time you try.


Long before the world as we know it existed, there was a race of beings known as the Suorba. While little information about them now remains, one thing is known: the Suorba, be it through hatred or recklessness, nearly destroyed themselves and the world itself in an event now called the Fracture.

Over twenty-one hundred years later, the planet of Gaia has recovered from this catastrophe; new races have risen and fell, wars have raged and battles won, and time has dragged on. But still, the planet remains the same. Warm, alive, and most of all, calculating.

In the world today, flesh and bone are shared with metal and wires. Humanity has taken to augmenting themselves to make up for their failures in flesh, immortality and more is within their grasp.. but instead of peace, a time of unrest is fast approaching in their wake; new groups guided by their own unique ideals have been steadily gaining ground, and are finally becoming bold enough to challenge the might of the Helios Corp. These groups, whose morals and ethics sometimes blur the line between right and wrong, still have one thing in mind: to right the evils of others. At whatever cost.

Choose your side. Whether it be to make a stand for peace, to embrace the might of Helios, or even to blaze your own path while the world marches on: your future is in your hands, adventurer, and a new life awaits you on Gaia.


Official Lore:


Helios Inc.

Capital: Midgar

Races: Humans, Transhumans, Cyborgs, Weavers

Tech: Maximal. Technological giant.

Description: A fiercely dominant corporate superpower, Helios Inc. controls most of Gaia in pursuit of profits.

Adversum Statum

Capital: UNKNOWN. Current headquarters not documented.

Races: Humans, Cyborgs, Weavers, Mutants

Tech: Unknown.

Description: A group of eco-terrorists and political radicals, Adversum Statum is an unscrupulous resistance against Helios Inc and any that would support their ideals.

Cestus City-State

Capital: Helios would like to remind you that Cestus is merely a rumour.

Races: Cyborg, Transhuman

Tech: Advanced. Focus on personal augmentation.

Description: Staunchly independent, with isolationist tendencies. Host to the free market, and a leader in personal augmentation technology.





Humans are the most plentiful of the races on Gaia, with representation in nearly every major faction and city. Clever and inquisitive, humans and their successors have been responsible for most of the technological advancement of the world.


Having ventured beyond their lives as humans, transhumans are a relatively new arrival to the world’s racial landscape. Being comprised of anything from genetic hybrids to disembodied consciousnesses, this race is to identity augmentation as cyborgs are to body augmentation.


Weavers are those who have come into direct contact with the Weave, and survived. They came back from the Weave with abilities beyond human understanding. Most of them have simple gimmicky abilities, like limited Levitation, Phasing, Teleportation, and Psionics.

Some have developed stronger, but equivalently more fierce in pain, powers. Those who have suffered from extensive Weave exposure have been reported to suffer from Weave poisoning, and eventually, death.


Cyborgs are lifeforms that enhance and modify themselves with mechanical augmentation. Forming a society with a heavy emphasis on technology, cyborgs typically seek out more technologically-advanced places to reside.


A splintered nation of nomads who once controlled vast armies of undead and fleets of ships. Lizard-like in structure, they seek to reunite their race to its former glory. Thanks to disorganization, corruption and other factors, however, their goal seems unreachable. Naturally hardy and comfortable in an aqueous environment, the Silvians have a natural talent for things like fishing, shipbuilding and swimming.


Mutants are largely the result of glitches in the GMS Genetic Memetic Saturation system. Most Mutant classifications are indirectly filed away and stored under lock and key. Although, there are two classifications of Mutants that have been given the light of day to the public: Re-Cog’s and De-Cog’s.


Hordes of undead of all shapes and sizes were released onto the world when the Silvian pirate fleets fell. Without masters, many undead lost their minds, while few managed to salvage what was left of their sanity. Those who endured went on to carve out an existence in the harshest of environments, facing fear and hatred wherever they went. Undead come in many forms: while some exist in the corporeal realm, some inhabit only the spiritual world, manifesting themselves as ghosts and wraiths.





Midgar is the capital city of the Helios Corporation, as well as a technological giant. Boasting massive power generation capacity, Midgar supplies energy to most of the Helios-controlled world. The city is built around the towering headquarters of Helios Corporation, and is surrounded on all sides by slums and high-density residential sectors. Midgar is one of Helios Corporation's most well-known symbols.

This city is a spawn option for: Unaligned, Helios citizen, neutral aligned.

Location: North-western area of the continent.

Active faction: Helios.

Active Races: Human and transhuman (primary), cyborgs, robots.

Population: Very large.

Primary export: Energy, and GMS devices.

Philosophy: Control, profit, and technological research.

City Bio:

Midgar. The city rising into the stars. One could spend several days just walking from one side of city to the other. Built upon the ruin of the old world, those who Inhabit the plates above on Midgar are direct proponents to Helios, and its President Alphonse Phaeton Mordeghast Bartholomew. A technological feat of strength and power, MIdgar was under construction for 31 years, from the date of 2076 AF to 2107 AF. Most of the iron used to forge the steel was ripped directly from many of the large, now defunct quarries dotting the mountainside all the way from the north shores of Midgar’s immediate area, all the way down to the Marshlands in the south. It was rumored, that at one point Helios used the reconstructed bodies of several hundred war prisoners, who have been trapped in an endless cycle of rebirth, only to slave away in the massive open pit quarries. No proof has ever come to public light, but the superstructure of Midgar serves as a testament to those who remember the cruelty of Helios so called Golden Era of expansion.

Bio of the Leader of Midgar, and the beginning of Helios:

“Alphonse Phaeton Mordeghast Bartholomew, is the epicenter of all debate and anguish caused by Helios Incorporated. Being the President and CEO of Helios, he is the most powerful, and the most influential man in the entire world of Gaia. Alphonse grew up in a very strict and wealthy home, spending 12 hours a day at study. He was taught everything from Advanced Combat Arts, to Applied Chemical Theory. Alphonse was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth, and it surely shows to this day.

In the early stages of Helios Incorporated, right after the explosive expansion and privatization period which engulfed most of the Junon Science Institute, and its assets, Alphonse made it a point to hunt down and destroy all of those who opposed Helios. In public light of his war crimes, Alphonse instituted a campaign to invest heavily into private sector science and advanced research to appease the general public before a hostile takeover ousted him from office.

One of the many technologies that came from this massive race towards advanced tech, was infact the GMS system, that allows humans and other races (for a hefty price) to become essentially Immortal. After the implementation of this tech into public forums and institutes, it solidified Helios Incorporated right to rule everything. Having control of the GMS Global Genetic Database, which stores the Genetic and Memetic chemistry of each and every client into a file system, Helios is able to dictate its terms and conditions to each and every entity on the planet.

Further research and development yielded new types of power forms, which allowed Helios to effectively own the energy Industry. This alternate and replenishing energy form also had other uses, one of which was used in creating stronger, better soldiers. After a accident at the main headquarters for Helios in Midgar, an explosion of Weave caused a massive fire in the upper research labs. President Alphonse was not available for public comment until several months after the incident occurred.

When President Alphonse re-emerged from his 2 month long hiatus, his declaration to the world was thus:

"Helios from now on will be moving into a golden age of expansion and energy research. These past two months have been extremely hard for all of us here at Helios, and due to the incident on 2146 AF Helios will be discontinuing its research into applied weave theory. This came as a shock to many of our top scientists, but they have already been transferred to new stations and projects, and we look forward to the future ahead of us."

No one but President Alphonse knows what’s in store for the planet, but a greater question begs for an answer.. Where was President Alphonse during the 2 months following the incident at Helios HQ?”



Adversum Statum

The Adversum Statum is a semi-political zealous resistance movement against Helios Incorporated. They are not above using underhanded and publicly dangerous tactics toward’s Helios if it means bringing them one step closer to destabilization. Led by brilliant, but chaotic militants, the location of their base of operations is at this time, unknown, and they maintain their secretive nature by avoiding complete discovery. Some of their operatives are the most stealthy and most lethal assassins known to have existed. But they aren’t just deadly, they are calculating and precise in their movements, and they never show their plans to anyone not branded an Operative by their council leaders. Little else is known about these militants.

This city is a spawn option for: INFORMATION UNAVAILABLE.

Location: UNKNOWN

Active Faction: Adversum Statum

Active Races: Humans, Cyborgs, Weavers, Mutants

Population: Unknown (Assumed to be very small, but no official numbers exist)

Primary Export: Unknown (Assumed to be ordnance, and small arms)

Philosophy: Stop Helios at all costs, and return the planet to the people who inhabit it.

City Bio:

No current information exists on record of the resistance known as Adversum Statum. It is assumed that many of its members are actually sleeper agents who live and work amongst the citizens of Midgar and the many other areas of the world. No known base of operations exists in Helios dossier, and nor does any previously recorded info for safe houses or supporting factions. Quite simply put, the Adversum Statum have come prepared for every possible angle of attack, and they are ready to spring their trap at any time.

Leader Bio/Bios: No known information exists at this time. Helios Health and Public Welfare division is researching possible leads.




Resting somewhere upon the continental mountain range, the city of Cestus — known by its patron as "the city of idealists" — is one of the few truly independent states remaining, driven by its free trade and lax laws. Cestus' government favors individual freedom, sometimes to the point of neglect; as a result, the city has become a mecca for black marketeers and outlaws. Respect and consent-based laws are some of the very few that are present, narrowly standing between order and anarchy. As a result of this independence, Helios refuses to acknowledge its existence to the public and goes to great lengths to ensure that its location is not leaked to its citizens.

This city is a spawn option for: unaligned, neutral aligned, (other).

Location: Eastern Junon area, southern crook of the continental mountain range.

Active faction(s): Cestus (primary), unaligned (secondary), outcasts, pirates, misc.

Active race(s): Cyborg (primary), robots, humans and transhumans, misc.

Population: Varying. Very large number of temporary residents.

Primary export: none.

Philosophy: Isolationist.

City bio:

"As for Cestus, it was a small settlement of outlaws, functioning as a hub for the black market. Eventually a sort of consortium formed to administrate it, making use of salvaged, bought, and stolen technology to form its physical infrastructure. The leadership of the current era is made up of eccentric idealists with no interest in politics or expansion, but with a strong support for an independent libertarian state; it became a de-facto sovereignty despite latent opposition by Helios, and functions as a sort of minimally-restricted Silk Road. Its permanent populace turned to body augmentation as a result of the unrestricted technological research, being comprised mostly of cyborgs. Its flag is a white diamond in a grey background, with the eponymous Roman gladiatorial fist weapon signifying its strong independence."

Foundation story

"As a cybernetics researcher working at the Junon Science Institute, Dr. Theodora Cirke was part of an international team attempting to create an AI-based neural interface adapter. Soon after the proof-of-concept for their research was found to be a success, the Institute became the property of the burgeoning Helios Corp. When several of her colleagues that were opposed to the merger turned up missing, Dr. Cirke and several others successfully smuggled copies of their research out of the region — but not before Helios managed to secure their prototypes, which would later be influential in many of the Helios technologies seen today.

Then homeless and on the run, the group eventually made their way to what they believed was a small outcast settlement concealed in the continental mountain ranges. Much to their surprise, however, they soon found that the settlement was not the ragtag campsite that they had believed, but rather a well-organized village under the management of other refugee scientists and military leaders.

In time, their resumed research and efforts would allow the settlement — by then known as Cestus, the city of idealists — to thrive outside of the controlling eye of Helios Corp. Cyborgs and varying philosophies of individual freedoms abounded, with several of the original scientists forming a council to passively maintain and govern their creation. There, Dr. Cirke sits as Minister of Defense, watchfully helping to ensure that Cestus remains independent.

She is a very objective person, with little time for bias or arbitrary behavior. Some may call her cold, but she is anything but uncaring. She strongly values individual freedom, to the point of unquestioningly respecting self-destructive actions. Such can be said of most of the Cestus government."




Timeline: 1888 AF - 2147 AF (AF: After Fracture)


Much of the planet's culture has been lost to the ages, and Helios Inc's societal censorship; which silently boasts a history of wiping out their foes unceremoniously. Helios takes it serious when they are wiping out all known history of those who oppose them. Several pockets of culture lay hidden amongst the communities and covenants that preserve them, but the archaic and often times dubbed “Obsolete” way of preserving one’s society has fallen by the wayside as Helios has implemented several campaigns to win the general populace’s hearts and minds over.

Some religious cults and covenants still remain, shrouded in darkness or covered with pacts to keep them secret. These religious hotspots could well become the epicenter of another conflict should they be disturbed.


The world is (as far as they know) one giant landmass named Gaia. The world in size, is roughly 780 square kilometers large (actual size in terms of meters, the map is 30k by 26k) and is surrounded on all sides by large bodies of water. Small island belts populate the southern area of the continent, with several other smaller islands to the south west of the continent, and the north-east of the continent. A rather massive mountain range separates the eastern and western sides of the continent, with almost constant and nonstop storms blocking the route over the mountain tops. Only the bravest, or the most foolish, would use the mountain passes as a form of travel.



When you die, your spirit and soul congeals with the Essence Weave, which is a force of nature directly infused into the planet and all living things. To be reborn after you die, scientists at Helios constructed special machines that take the memories and DNA of a particular person, and stores it as memetic data in a file system. That machine, is directly linked to the Essence Weave, and when you die, the file system detects your spirit and soul congealing with the Essence Weave. It attempts to restore your body by harvesting tissue from laboratory grown samples, and it then cultivates a new body for you. When the body is ready, the file system inputs into your new body all of the DNA and memetic data that you had stored previously.

Of course, there are errors from time to time. Mutations, DNA splicing. There would be a big world database, containing DNA and memory information that would be inserted into inert bodies created by machines created and maintained inside the laboratories of bigger, more populated cities. Different factions may have alternate systems for regeneration. The resistance, for example, couldn’t rely on a piece of Helios technology.

Additionally, errors happen from time to time with the GMS system, formally known as “Genetic Memetic Saturation”, and mutations, or even entire portions of the subjects new vessel could be deformed, missing, and/or changed. Several scientists have documented a short list of reasons for why the GMS system could produce such results. They could be any number of the following: DNA defects, Virus invading the body at time of death, a periodic short burst of interrupted transmissions of brainwaves and genetic makeup to the World GMS Database, or even the complete destruction of the GMSSD (Genetic Memetic Saturation Syncronization Device) which is implanted directly into the root of your brain stem. This device records and transmits everything you see, feel, and experience, to the World GMS Database, where the information is stored, and used to recreate for the recipient, a new body should the previous vessel succomb to death,and or decay.

These errors, or as some scientists call them, “Glitches” could lead to paralyzing genetic mutations, bodily disfigurement, bodily organs or limbs completely missing, and in some cases, complete and total loss of human cognitive reasoning skills. Some unfortunate subjects who have been killed in combat with lucid, or genetically unstable animals, have been resaturated into their new vessels, only to wake up and turn hostile on unsuspecting scientists. The result, is extremely hostile, and volatile half-beings known as “Re-Cogs”, simply because of the recession of cognitive ability on behalf of the GMS subject. Some subjects have been known to survive the process after having been infected, with only a slight cognitive recession, but have grown considerably stronger and more hostile as a result. These have been dubbed “De-Cogs” simply because of their previously human cognitive abilities, even though they have regressed in cognitive ability.

Little is known about De-Cog’s and their lifespan after being resaturated using the GMS system, but there have been reports of feral-like men, attacking small settlements and small companies of men as they are out in the wilds. Due to these reports, De-Cog’s have been dubbed extremely dangerous, and should you find one, it is your duty as a healthy Human, or operational Cyborg, to report the whereabouts of said De-Cog to the authorities. It is ill-advised to engage with De-Cog’s in combat, as their skills are unknown, and their strength has been documented to be several times stronger than that of a normal Human being.


Economy: The chosen currency system is a physical coinage economy. Your money will be carried on you at all times, unless you choose to store it in either a bank, or vault of your choosing. It is important to note, that any purchases from world shops require you to have coinage present in your inventory.



Staff List (Admins):

Volgarenthor: Project Lead/Network Administrator

Killerx20: Team Lead/Design Administrator

vidplace7: Technical Lead/Software Support

Britishg4m3r: PR/Web Interface Development

Dmaxwell6: Hardware Support

Avristed: Game Admin/Loremaster

Ixiom1: Senior Administrator/Lorekeeper

Adamvg: Game Admin

Ksun_Sundbergian: Senior Administrator/Design Specialist

Masamune963: Game Admin

Merc0: Game Admin/Dungeon Keeper

Makitalo2: Game Admin

Dragoone42: Senior Administrator

Clouden: Game Admin

Staff List (Moderators):

Kirbopher77985: Moderator

Cclogan: Moderator

Verva: Moderator

Paralakz: Moderator/Lorekeeper

Velardamakar: Moderator

The_Seadweller: Moderator/Lorekeeper



Rank Progression:

Ranking and rank progression is purely player driven. No longer will you need to wait on admins to approve you. No longer will you need to wait 300 hours for a single rank to tick down. No more applications and no more begging for ranks. The rank progression of the player is determined on how much effort the player wishes to put forth into ranking up.

Upon becoming a Resident, you will be prompted to choose a path, Arcane, Citizen, or Engineer. In order to progress down either of these trees, the player will need to make subsequent visits to the Colleges of each individual path in order to receive training and guidance. Mastery of any of the ranking trees is left up to the discretion and guidance of that rank trees Headmaster. The player may need to perform quests for the Headmaster to test their resolve, or perhaps they will need to demonstrate the accumulated knowledge of their chosen profession.
















Mods List:

Applied Energistics” by AlgorithmX2

Ars Magica 2” by Mithion

Better Storage” by copyboy

BiblioCraft” by Nuchaz

Big Reactors” by Erogenous Beef

ChocoCraft” by Torojima

ComputerCraft” by dan200

Factorization” by neptunepink

Forestry” by SirSengir

Infinity Coins” by aMUSIC modified by vidplace7

Minefactory Reloaded” by Skyboy

Modular PowerSuits” by MachineMuse

Natura” by mDiyo

Nether Ores” by Skyboy

Not Enough Items” by ChickenBones

NumiRP” by Numerios

Obsidian Plates” by Myrathi

Project Red” by Mr_TJP, ChickenBones

Project Zulu” by Crudedragos

Railcraft” by CovertJaguar

Recipear” by Silentspy

Xeno's Reliquary” by TrainerGuy22

Thaumcraft 4” by Azanor

Thaumic Tinkerer” by Vazkii

Thermal Expansion” by KingLemmingCoFH, Cynycal, Zeldo

Tinkers Construct” by mDiyo

Tinkers Mechworks” by pillbox

Useful Food” by Silentspy

Waila” by ProfMobius

Balkon's Weaponmod” by BalkondeurAlpha

Item blacklist/restrictions:

World Anchor: Reason= Chunk Loading

Personal Anchor: Reason= Chunk Loading

Anchor Sentinel: Reason= Chunk Loading

Buster bullet: Reason= Firable TNT

Buster mag: Reason= Firable TNT

Destruction catalyst: Reason= Bypass WG

Plasma Cannon: Reason= Ranged Weapon

Railgun: Reason= Ranged Weapon

Blade Launcher: Reason= Ranged Weapon

Blink Drive: Reason= Teleportation/Hax

Active Camoflauge: Reason= Invisibility

Lux Capacitor: Reason= Bypass WG

Turtle: Reason= Bypass WG

Excavation Focus: Reason= Bypass WG

Arcane Bore: Reason= Bypass WG

Tunnel Bore: Reason= Bypass WG

Firestone: Reason= Randomly lights fires (Even in WG regions)

SPAMR: Reason= Guided Rocket

PortaSpawner: Reason= Infinite Duping

Auto-Spawner: Reason= Infinite Duping


Server Specifications:

Intel E3-1270v3 3.9Ghz CPU

120 GB SSD


32gb RAM



See our website for the most up-to-date rules and regulations.






Chocobo Farm






Port Junon


Fort Condor




Aerith’s Church


Sector 6 Playground


Shinra (Helios) Headquarters




Midgar (As seen on the Live Map)

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Reserved for patch updates.

Important: This is an OPEN BETA. Server isnt 100% stable, and bugs/glitchs do exist. Please bear with us while we work through the issues.


Player Information

All player information will be submitted here in neat and acceptable format.

What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)

>Implying I'll share this on the forums. It's on the private application.

What is your Timezone?

UTC -5

Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server?


What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?

I've played on RP servers in WOW and in Minecraft.

How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

I found out via this website.

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.

No. I was approved last time, but I need to Shrekify my character.

Have you posted this application on the appropriate Technic sub forum? (If not, please do so at this link "IT'S HERE NOW BEYBEE ")


Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?

Yes I have, and yes I swear to abide to it.


Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


Role-Playing is where you act as a character, like an actor would do in a TV show.


Meta-Gaming is where you use outside knowledge to give you an advantage in the game world. For example, looking at a ban report thread on the website and seeing coordinates for a base that you could raid would be Meta-Gaming.


God-Modding is where you make your character some super powerful guy who can do very unrealistic things. This is usually done through writing, because you should be treated like a super powerful guy if you really did fight off an entire invasion on your own in the actual game.

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:


Character Age:


Characters Race:


Characters Biography:

Shrek misses his home in the Swamp. As time went on, the pollution from the nearby city became too much for the fine being to stay. He became a nomad, looking for a way to live and a home. He took small jobs wherever he could get them, be it a small village or Cestus.

People never really respected him (or enjoyed his presence for that matter) because of his appearance. The thing is, there's a lot more to transhumans than people think. Eventually he learned to tolerate the way people looked at him, but he still did not favor meeting new people.

Weary of the constant judgement from strangers, he decided it was time to find a home and settle down. Maybe the locals would grow to accept him, despite his scary looks and large build.

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

This would depend almost entirely on a couple of factors. First off, it would depend on the reputation of the group that those soldiers represent. If they were city guards for a city filled with corruption, I'd probably stand up for the thug. If there really weren't shady figures in the city, I'd keep on walking.

However, the soldiers could be treating the man unfairly, such as pushing him around or hitting him. In this case, I'd stand up for the man if this was a messed up city. I'd report it to a higher power if there weren't shady figures in the city.

As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

The first thing I would do would be to see if there were any guards or soldiers nearby, because I could call to them for help. If I could not do this, then I would yell at the people moving the crates. I could possibly get them to run off if I shouted things like, "Hey, what do you think you're doing!" Y'know, the kind of stuff you yell at someone if you catch him trying to pick your pocket.

If they hadn't have left at this point, then I would prepare to engage the enemy if there were just a few of them. If there were several of them, I would run and look for help that wasn't currently in the immediate vicinity.

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

Well, this could actually have two completely different answers. Maybe I did something that was bad enough for my family to disown me, and my house becomes repossessed, but it's minor enough for me to not go to jail. It could be something like stealing from market stands, or starting a fight.

I'm honestly not quite sure what would be so bad that this would be a good punishment. If it were treason, murder, or something along those lines, I would still pose a threat to others. Leaving me alive would be a very unwise move.

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

I'd probably just walk out. I don't see a reason to get involved in it, unless they're just picking a fight with a random person in the bar. At that point, I'd stand up for that person, and possibly even get in a fight for that.


What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)


What is your Timezone?


Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server?


What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?

Very little. Some on TN2 and some when I was a kid playing DND.

How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

Adam - FTB Project...brought in for testing

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.

No - This is a Bio re-write to explain staff powers.

Have you posted this application on the appropriate Technic sub forum?


Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?



Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


Acting as a character with a persona signicantly different than your own.


Never heard of this.


Me, a case of coke, an empty house and my favourite game.

(That was my honest interpretation...I haven't heard the term before).

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:

Ixi Jessingham

Character Age:


Characters Race:


Characters Biography:

Growing up was fairly normal. I lived with my parents on a small farm far in the country away from all the Civic tensions of the land. When I was 15 and old enough to know that we lived in poverty I set out on my own to seek adventure and riches. I was popular in our small town and my father had taught me how to protect myself with knives and firearms but still naive to the worlds dangers. I made my way from town to town but soon found that the only coin I could honestly earn was on my back, which didn't interest me, so I started practicing picking pockets in the markets I passed through and learning to use the shadows to avoid types that would otherwise be trouble.

I continued practicing my 'craft' for 4 years becoming masterful with small blades and near invisible when the need arose.

My wanderings brought me to Cestus and I lived on the outskirts of the city venturing in to the market for food and supplies but mostly keeping to my small rented room and doing small burglaries to pay what small bills I had. Never stealing from the wealthy where it might attract attention, nor from the poor who would have more hardship than I did.

During one of these thefts I broke into the basement of a man who was rumored to have some valuable magic items. The man himself was odd and a bit feared because of his strangeness but from what little I'd seen and heard of him he was just eccentric after his wife had passed a few months ago.

The basement was a hoarders nightmare of small calcinators, beakers, vials and other things I didn't know about or understand. None of these things I could sell so I moved past them into a closed off cold cellar. The darkness of this room was thick and oppressive and even the small amount of light trying to come in from the room behind was being swallowed along with sound. I crept forward slowly, expecting to find shelves with meats preserving or preserves I could take for a few days of meals, but instead bumped into a large table with what was instantly recognizable as a human form on it, cold, but without scent. I recoiled from the accidental discovery tripping sideways in my urgency to get some distance.

This was when my life ended.

This was when my life began.

I fell into an impression in the corner of the room where an unnatural crack had been opened. A seemingly impossible conduit to the weave that the Man had been trying to utilize to bring his wife back from the dead. The direct contact with the weave was brief but the change profound, though I didn't know it at the time. The crack snapped shut immediately as if nature had realized it's mistake and dazed I fled the house and returned to my room feeling unwell.

I packed my belongings that night and went home to the farm and my parents, unwell on the travels home, and increasingly unwell as time went on. My parents looked after me as my body tried to come to grips with it's exposure first burning with fever, then ice cold, my bones seemed to ache. My mind expanded and I became aware of things happening without needing to see them. Eventually my body emerged from its trials seeming unchanged and I kept my expanded awareness to myself, not wanting to worry my parents as their health waned.

As the years went by I tended the farm on my own, finding I could easily do all the chores myself and seeming to have a natural ability to learn new things simply now. My parents passed away peacefully in their sleep a few months apart from each other, both happy their family had reunited in the end.

Now alone I could explore my abilities and found that with concentration I could make nearly anything happen that I could imagine. I could fly, I could become invisible, I could even materialize things effectively altering reality. The weave had made me a god of sorts. The flip side of this was crushing, crippling, pain that would last for days or weeks, the severity tied to the extremity of my 'magical' exertions.

It was quickly clear that being a simple farmer was preferable to using these abilities and that was exactly what I did, carrying on running the farm, happy in the simple life I lead.

Yet the power existed for when it was needed.

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

I walk by, congratulating the soldiers on upholding the laws of the land, spitting at the ground near the thug as I walk away.

As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

Easily avoiding detection I watch the smugglers, and when the opportunity presents itself I kill the smugglers off one by one. Once complete I take the ordinance back to my home for my own purposes...and to keep the kids safe I GUESS.

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

Having overheard a plot to kill some innocent people I poisoned the drink of the man I believed to be the murderer while working at cleaning up dishes in the local diner. The drink was in fact for his 8 year old nephew (who died horribly) and the 'plot' was only a potential story plotline the man was describing to his friend.

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

Wait for the fight to end then help the 'loser' out into the street under the guise of assisting him from the building. Once out I rob him and leave him at the side of the road, that's what you get for losing.

Posted · Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given

What is your Minecraft account name?

What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)


What is your Timezone?

7:00-8:00 mountain us/canada time i think, sorry if wrong

Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server?

yes, i have played multipule aegis modpacks already

What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?

Roblox, Minecraft, Gmod, and more tought me the ways of roleplaying

How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

technicpack website/member of aegis gaming

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.

no, last night i forgot to submit to technic platform so re-submitting sorry!

Have you +1'd our modpack on the Technic Platform?


Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?

Yes, Sir/Madam!


Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


pretending to be someone or somthing your not and enjoying having this ''Double Life''


don't know what this is, sorry


don't know what this is very sorry

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:


Character Age:


Characters Race:

Cyborg is half human and half machine, right? then im Cyborg

Characters Biography:

After years of research, Dayn, the brother of Daniel finds his brother in a hospital, slowly dying form a diease that killed the rest of their family. Dayn saved his brothers live by scrounging up parts from toaster factoryies, dumps, and more to make a suit to let Daniel run, jump, and live better. After making this suit, Dayn becomes ill and retires to a small home in a forgotten village where he perished, but Daniel's suit made him live longer than his brother, but the suit runs on a rare mineral and Daniel is becoming more human that cyborg. He needs the suit to live so he sets out to find more of the mineral before he perishes...

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

I would defend the thug and ask why they think the thug did this crime

As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

i would tell them to move the crates in a persuacive manor

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

Killed a man in front of his son, or worse like becoming out of control becuase the suit malunctions...

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

persuade them to stop...

P.S. sorry for errors in the app, very sorry about this and sorry if i already made a app


Have you posted a copy of this app onto the Technic Forums?

You can do this after you submit to make it easier to copy and paste!

i shall


What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)


What is your Timezone?

7:00-8:00 mountain us/canada time i think, sorry if wrong

Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server?

yes, i have played multipule aegis modpacks already

What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?

Roblox, Minecraft, Gmod, and more tought me the ways of roleplaying

How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

technicpack website/member of aegis gaming

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.

no, last night i forgot to submit to technic platform so re-submitting sorry!

Have you +1'd our modpack on the Technic Platform?


Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?

Yes, Sir/Madam!


Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


pretending to be someone or somthing your not and enjoying having this ''Double Life''


don't know what this is, sorry


don't know what this is very sorry

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:


Character Age:


Characters Race:

Cyborg is half human and half machine, right? then im Cyborg

Characters Biography:

After years of research, Dayn, the brother of Daniel finds his brother in a hospital, slowly dying form a diease that killed the rest of their family. Dayn saved his brothers live by scrounging up parts from toaster factoryies, dumps, and more to make a suit to let Daniel run, jump, and live better. After making this suit, Dayn becomes ill and retires to a small home in a forgotten village where he perished, but Daniel's suit made him live longer than his brother, but the suit runs on a rare mineral and Daniel is becoming more human that cyborg. He needs the suit to live so he sets out to find more of the mineral before he perishes...

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

I would defend the thug and ask why they think the thug did this crime

As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

i would tell them to move the crates in a persuacive manor

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

Killed a man in front of his son, or worse like becoming out of control becuase the suit malunctions...

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

persuade them to stop...

P.S. sorry for errors in the app, very sorry about this and sorry if i already made a app


Have you posted a copy of this app onto the Technic Forums?

You can do this after you submit to make it easier to copy and paste!

i shall

Posted · Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given

sorry if i accidently double-post this app, hopefully you can read this i couldn't ffigure out the font stuff


What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)

Shown in application, I would rather not leave this information publicly available.

What is your Timezone?

GMT +0 - United Kingdom it may differ depending on Daylight savings

Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server?

Yes, I understand and will agree to the rules.

What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?

I started role playing back in the days of Warcraft 3 on the map SOTDRP, the map allowed you to creatively build and design your own role play on a predefined terrain, this allowed for magnificent variations in role playing each time you played, one time there could be a kingdom ruling over the land while other times there could be a shipwreck making all the players have to survive in whatever way possible. From there I have role played on a variety of places such as Minecraft due to the creative nature of them.

How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

I was browsing the custom modpack section and I happened to stumble across it.

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.

This is my first application.

Have you +1'd our modpack on the Technic Platform?

Presuming I remeber I will +1 it after I have finished this appilcation.

Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?

Yes, I have read and understand the lore information that is currently avalible.


Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


The act upon acting out as a or multiple character(s) or creature(s) that is not yourself in whatever way necessary be it a table top game or a game online. The characters or creatures details should be created by the imagination of the individual playing it.


The use of information that the character or creature isn't aware of, be it be a simple detail such as a bird flew out of a tree to vital information that may throw the table of balance towards the individual such as the knowledge of a weakness not already known.


The Role plays form of cheating. In no means should this ever happen. This counts for anything that puts the player in the position of God such as avoiding all attacks or forcing another player to do specific actions without there consent E.G. Forcing them to betray there team without a given reason.

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:


Character Age:


Characters Race:


Characters Biography:

Seargrowth - A magician of the forest.

A average sized weaver that has slowly been poisoned by the weave causing his skin color to change to purple. The weave has also caused some of his memory to become lost and shards of his memory to become scattered around the world of Fracture. The goal of his life is to achieve the memory he lost while tapping into the arts of the arcane and earth to aid others deemed worthy of needing help. He tends to be lonesome at times only surrounded by natures animals but will happily team up with Eco-friendly organizations. He tends to dislike people that deface nature but will happily help them in restoring it.

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

Seargrowth would attempt to pass without bringing attention to himself, this is due to the argument not being something I find the character would not like to intervene.

As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

I feel that in this situation Seargrowth would approach the smugglers and ask quietly what is contained in the crates. Presuming they don't notify the character he would attempt to lock them in place via magic or other means (Rope, Vines e.t.c) and notify nearby guards.

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

In this situation I would presume that my character would have not done something serious enough to cause a catastrophe but something accidental that resulted in consequences. I would think that Sear growth might have become furious in rage via a side effect of the weave causing him to injure a high ranking industry member due to the way they treated the environment. (Naturally he would have passed by and let the rage inside stay within him but a side effect of the Weave caused him to unleash his rage)

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

Simply ignore them and carry on the activities I was already performing. (In Seargrowth's nature he would not deem either of them worthy of help.)


Have you posted a copy of this app onto the Technic Forums?

You can do this after you submit to make it easier to copy and paste!

I will do it after I submit my application.


Player Information

All player information will be submitted here in neat and acceptable format.

What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)


What is your Timezone?


Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this serverarrow-10x10.png?


What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?

I have roleplayed on a few servers of modded minecraft like dewcraft and days of yore.

How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

Technic forums

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.


Have you posted this application on the appropriate Technic sub forum? (If not, please do so at this link "IT'S HERE NOW BEYBEE ")

just did

Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?

Yes I have, and yes I swear to abide to it.


Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


Acting and speaking according to theme in an game, reenactment, or anything involving visual media or performance.


Using out of game know how to advance oneself, completely violating any rp gaming.


Making your character as if he/she was the child of a deity. A good way to make your character look good but unless you actually did the stuff it just makes you full of hot air.

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:

Novus Anima

Character Age:


Characters Race:


Characters Biography:

I was born and raised in a rich family in Midgar. Both my mother and father worked in a high level energy production facility, and were for most of the time gone. Though I am transhuman only my father is transhuman while my mother is human so I look more human then a pure hybrid, and a factor that lets others know that is my eyes. Though my parents were mostly gone I was never really lonely due to my younger sister, Zara. We were always close and played together even though we had a 3 year age difference . At the age of 13 things began to change for me... Though I was fond of tech I was always drawn to the other arts mainly magic. My parents always told me that I should stick to tech as it is power and through tech all of midgar was possible, I loved my parents but I couldn't keep away!!! I indulged in reading of the arcane tomes never daring to attempting to practice the things I read in the beautiful tomes. At the time my parents believed it was the right time for me to learn how to use arms, and of all arms the one which suited me was the halberd. Between my secret readings and my training I was always thinking and testing myself though I never used the knowledge I acquired out of fear of my parents reactions. After 3 years of my readings and training my sister Zara found out, I convinced her to not reveal a word to our parents, and she agreed on the condition that I let her join me in my readings so I accepted the terms. I was elated that it turned out my sister shared my urge to study the arcane and was good for a while.. till a few years later. My sister came down with an illness and our parents took so little focus in her or me. Though our family was rich I had little money of my own for a doctor or medicine so I dived into the reading of magic to find a way to help her. I found a work of magic to help her so I used any money I had to buy the needed ingredients. I used the spell to make her well and it worked. Our parent came home as I began to clean up the area, the look in there eyes was of the look always feared.. a look disgust and disbelief as if I was not the child but a complete stranger. I was in such shock that I didn't notice the pain till I snapped out of it. My father was hitting me kicking me and grabbed his sword to kill me. I thought I was going to die till I noticed blood but it wasn't from me, it was from zara. she had jumped in front of me to stop my death. As I saw her blood leak she screamed one thing to me. " RUN NOVUS RUN!!!!" So I did and just dash out of the house and rain into the night. I didn't stop for anything I ran and ran till I wasn't even in midgar anymore. When I finally I snapped out of it I was flung into something worse... despair. My sister was dead and I couldn't do anything for her at one point I found out that I was disowned and my sisters death labeled " an unfortunate accident". So I walked and walked eating whatever I could, whether I stole it from other travelers or found in the wild. As I traveled I got sick of it and decided to find a place to call home, and maybe make some friends and meet people I could truly count on.

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

Go and see for myself what they the guards are actually doing to see if they are abusing the thug. If they are I jump to the mans aid , but if they following standard protocol I would just let it be.

As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

I alert the local aurthoties and lead them to the area. if no local enforcement would shout out what they are doing and alert the locals who would intend ward off the offenders or summon law enforcement.

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

I don't know what crime I could commit for such a punishment. If it was bad enough for exile it would have to be murder or treason which would land me imprisonment. If minor enough for ridicule it would probably something scandalous like adultery or such . So I don't what crime could possibly have a punishment like this .

Two plumbersarrow-10x10.png walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

Stop them by offering to buy them both a drink make some friends , but if cant do it peacefully beat them both.

Posted · Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given

you triple posted..

sorry, guessing not accepted?, and very sorry about errors in app, and triple posting sir! please forgive me i was trying to fix the font and sorta broke it

Posted · Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given

I would also like to apologize if I double submitted on forum my cpu had an error.

Posted · Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Torezu, March 13, 2014 - No reason given

oh my flip-flop i thought i wasn't going to be accepted for triple-posting, still sorry 'bout that


What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)

Obviously not going to share on here.

What is your Timezone?

Central Standard Time (CST)

Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server?


What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?

I have played on multiple RP servers; including Terranovos.

How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

I had recieved the message from BritishG4m3r to the community announcing it.

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.


Have you +1'd our modpack on the Technic Platform?

Yes, I have.

Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?



Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


The act of 'playing' as someone/something other than what you actually are; typically in a fantastical environment.


Using cheats or modifications to advance yourself physically or during role-play.


Forcibly directing role-playing and manipulating it to your own will.

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:


Character Age:


Characters Race:


Characters Biography:

Having grown up on a homestead along one of the major roads reaching across the continent, he was constantly fascinated by the passing caravans with cybernetically-enhanced people. After finally visiting Cestus in his teen years, he did extensive research on cybernetics and how to become cybernetically enhanced. After a few weeks deep in his studies, he had figured out how to create enchancements of his own; with his own personal flavors and all.

Atlas has black hair, blue eyes. He is not visibly cybernetically enhanced, bar his arms. Being only mechanical, he drew inspiration for creating them from an old book he found in a ruined building not far from his house. Something called 'steampunk', they are colored brass and intricately designed, gears and sprockets visible on the outside.

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

The circumstances depend. If the soldiers are obviously corrupt, or just what some would say: assholes, I would make an attempt to help this thug. If the man truly did steal these machine parts, then I may as well just leave it to the soldiers to deal with him.

As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

I start by making an attempt to notify officials/guards of the situation I am seeing, and making an attempt to tail the perpetrators in order to get any details I could in assisting others with securing the ordinance. I however, would not play hero and charge in after them.

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have

done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

My experiments have been exposed; every last one of them. I spent most of my life abducting the homeless; the weak, and the poor to experiment on them. I had to pursue this knowledge, figure out how to preserve a life, or even to bring one back from the dead. Any of my theories, my plans, had all failed. All my subjects perished. Except one. A man who I believed to have been dead, but merely put into a comatose state, had awoken after I disposed of him, allowing him to report me to the officials. I was exposed; I should have been executed. But they decided otherwise. What better punishment than burning down my laboratory, with all my research, what I dedicated my life to?

My life's work, now all for naught.

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

I'd let the plumbers duke it out, enjoying the bit of what almost resembles two angry baboons smack each other in the face. I wouldn't, however, just sit there idly if one pulls a weapon of any sort on the other.


What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)

On private app.

What is your Timezone?


Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server?


What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?


How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

Announcements on the front page

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.


Have you +1'd our modpack on the Technic Platform?


Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?



Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


What improvisation is to music, Role-playing is to storytelling. You often make it up on the spot, but have to stay within certain boundaries that are made before hand. For example, during an improvisation, you can't change the rhythm (or key if you know music terms) all of a sudden, just like in roleplaying you can't just change your character background all of a sudden.


Using info you acquired out of character to help your character, while your character shouldn't be able to know this info, since lore-wise, he/she never learned it.


1. Being ridiculously OP, for example: Chuck Norris.

2. Deciding other's actions for them, without their permission. For example, a god-modder would say "I slice your arm of with a single stroke of my blade", instead of "I swing my sword at your arm".

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:


Character Age:

Early 20's

Characters Race:


Characters Biography:

William was born to what once was a medium sized fishing and sea-cargo village, south of Junon ((I will attempt to build said village on a small scale in-game once I get the resources)). His father was a fisherman-turned-Junon-dockworker, and his mother the daughter of the town mayor, although he had no biological siblings, he did have an adopted brother named Nova. Because of his mother's rich parents, William had a easygoing childhood. One exception to this was the absence of his father. His father was often out of town for his work, so his grandpa, Capt. Archibald, often took over the fatherly role.

Capt. Archibald used to be a trader and explorer back in his days and was captain of his own ship. He often told William stories of how the sea was before Helios rise to domination over everything. He told stories of how the sea level used to be nearly 20 meters higher, and how before Helios' use of the oceans as a dump for all their waste you could sail the seas on wooden ships! After having visited the ports at Junon, Klaas couldn't believe how these massive steel ships used to be wooden! And he worried about how easily Helios had gotten away with that...

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

Walking home after spending a day with grandpa Archibald at Junon, we came across what looked like a young lad being arrested for theft of some machinery. As I attempt to walk up to these soldiers to ask them to what my grandpa stops me a points to the kid's left arm. It had a tattoo on his arm of one of the local gangs. This innocent looking kid was more than he appeared to be, he must be one the spies for those gangs. Realising that I was about to make a grand mistake by siding with this thug I turn away and follow Archibald home.

As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

Having grown-up with stories with smugglers being the brave people who dared to traverse the dangerous seas, as well as seeing how unfairly some helios soldier's treated other's I have always felt some sympathy with this specific version of criminals. But this sympathy also came with a healthy dose of fear for these men. I knew better then to blindly walk into a smuggling operation, especially since it was done during broad daylight.

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

((Not William))

"These idiots! They think they're so smart, catching the evil man of the woods, the man who killed those poor soldiers. They have no idea how big of a favour I did them, and even now they may never know. Building one of these Mako reactors right on top of the forest sucking all it's energy out of it and leaving all this land scarred and the village to die. I can only hope that this attack will grab enough attention for either Helios to pull back out of the area, or Adversum Statum to come to our aid."

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

It was a dull day today, grey sky, rain, etc. Nothing happened. I decided to go the the bar the cheer up and have a drink.

As soon as I was settled and had my beer, two plumbers walked in shouting threats at each other and sizing each other up. Having had a really boring day, I couldn't resist watching this brawl break out, and it seemed everyone inside thought like I do. Turns out today wasn't as boring as I previously thought!


What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)


What is your Timezone?


Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server?


What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer?


How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

Cur25 told me about it

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.


Have you +1'd our modpack on the Technic Platform?


Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?



Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


Assuming a role that is not your own and pretending to be that character


Meta-Gaming is using the information you have gotten from outside your character and using it for advancement in the game.


Determining others actions for them like for example instead of saying i throw this spear at you, you say i hit you with the spear and kill you, and then the other player does not have a chance to respond.

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:

Nova Phoenix

Character Age:


Characters Race:


Characters Biography:

Nova Phoenix son of Perseus Nebula and Luna Nebula. Nova was born in the Great city of Midgar during the golden age of expansion. Perseus and Luna heavily opposed Helios so in order to keep their son safe they changed his last name to Phoenix and sent him away to Junon to live with a trusted old friend of theirs Capt. Archibald, that’s where Nova met his step-brother William. All he could talk about when he was younger was science and how he wanted to later become a scientist, he doesn’t know much about his real parent’s because he was sent away at a very young age, but he is set on finding out more about them. Whenever there in trouble Nova and William always find their way out and together they can do anything.

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

I would try to help resolve it in a peaceful manner but if they began to get mad at me i would let them be and walk away.

As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation?

I could not do to much myself to stop them so i would walk away and locate the authority and let them know what was happening so they could stop it.

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

I have betrayed my county by selling secrets to the enemies.

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

I don't intervene and just go home cause i don't to be part of the fight.


Have you posted a copy of this app onto the Technic Forums?

You can do this after you submit to make it easier to copy and paste!



What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)


What is your Timezone?

US East

Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this serverarrow-10x10.png?


What previous experience have you had as a Role player?

I have Role played on some minecraft modded servers and in games like WOW and Neverwinter with friends.

How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

My brother Solider_of_War told me.

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.


Have you posted this application on the appropriate Technic sub forum? (If not, please do so at this link "IT'S HERE NOW BEYBEE ")


Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?

Yes I have, and I promise to abide by the lore.


Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


Acting and Thinking the thoughts and believes of the character to better live the experience thought their point of view.


Using outside game knowledge to ones self, but this can almost always ruin the experience of role playing.


Making a character look/action and have the abilities of a godlike being. This can make RP boring unless you did something or went though the trials and challenges to get those godlike abilities.

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:

Bellemere Despereaux



Character Age:


Characters Race:


Characters Biography:

There was once a little baby that lived in the woods with his parents. His parents where part of a group of individuals that was honor bound to protect the world from evil forces. This group of individuals were known as Peregrinus Mysticum. Then one day a evil cult formed and this people believed themselves to be of godly descent. Their ultimate goal was to gain power and conquer the world and enslave the people of the world. They were known as Infinitum Obscure. The 2 groups battled for centuries generation after generation. But then the Infinitum Obscure stroke a destructive blow and that caused the members of the Peregrinus Mysticum to scatter. The little boys parents were sadly killed. The boy was sent to live with his Grand Father who then prepared him for his basic combat and survival training. After mastering basic combat and survival training leave his Grand Father at the age of 19 to learn and master the magical arts so he could avenge his parents, loved ones, and destroy the Infinitum Obscure. Who knows he might even find the other member of the Peregrinus Mysticum and make the new friends. These are the Tales of Bellemere.

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

That depends if the thug was really dangerous then I would let it happen, but if not then I would aid the thug in his/her time of need.

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have

done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

The only guest i could is that the crime was adultery/harassment or abuse of local power.

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

I would stop the fight because most bar fight escalate to the bar burning down or many many injures or deaths.


What is your Minecraft account name?


What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age)


What is your Timezone?

US East

Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this serverarrow-10x10.png?


What previous experience have you had as a Role player?

I have Role played on some minecraft modded servers and in games like WOW and Neverwinter with friends.

How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP?

My brother Solider_of_War told me.

Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts.


Have you posted this application on the appropriate Technic sub forum? (If not, please do so at this link "IT'S HERE NOW BEYBEE ")


Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore?

Yes I have, and I promise to abide by the lore.


Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words.


Acting and Thinking the thoughts and believes of the character to better live the experience thought their point of view.


Using outside game knowledge to ones self, but this can almost always ruin the experience of role playing.


Making a character look/action and have the abilities of a godlike being. This can make RP boring unless you did something or went though the trials and challenges to get those godlike abilities.

In-Character Information

Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game.

Character Name:

Bellemere Despereaux



Character Age:


Characters Race:


Characters Biography:

There was once a little baby that lived in the woods with his parents. His parents where part of a group of individuals that was honor bound to protect the world from evil forces. This group of individuals were known as Peregrinus Mysticum. Then one day a evil cult formed and this people believed themselves to be of godly descent. Their ultimate goal was to gain power and conquer the world and enslave the people of the world. They were known as Infinitum Obscure. The 2 groups battled for centuries generation after generation. But then the Infinitum Obscure stroke a destructive blow and that caused the members of the Peregrinus Mysticum to scatter. The little boys parents were sadly killed. The boy was sent to live with his Grand Father who then prepared him for his basic combat and survival training. After mastering basic combat and survival training leave his Grand Father at the age of 19 to learn and master the magical arts so he could avenge his parents, loved ones, and destroy the Infinitum Obscure. Who knows he might even find the other member of the Peregrinus Mysticum and make the new friends. These are the Tales of Bellemere.

Meta Questions

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied.

You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do?

That depends if the thug was really dangerous then I would let it happen, but if not then I would aid the thug in his/her time of need.

You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have

done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done?

The only guest i could is that the crime was adultery/harassment or abuse of local power.

Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do?

I would stop the fight because most bar fight escalate to the bar burning down or many many injures or deaths.


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