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Lookin for mods/admins for server


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hi im a co-owner of a tekkit classic server we are in need for staff to help us build the server.We started up the server today and we really need help . we are looking for 2 admins and 10 mods

so heres application


In-Game name:

How experienced are you (1-10)?:

What have you built in the past?:

Could you share some pictures(better chance getting chosin)?:

What do you prefer building?:


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Name: told if I get it

In-Game name: darkfang1444

How experienced are you (1-10)?:10

What have you built in the past?: anything and everything, statues, prisons, MANY spawns, cities

Could you share some pictures(better chance getting chosin)?: nope cuz either the admin went crazy and banned me or destroyed meh works

What do you prefer building?: anything, it really doesn't matter

Skype: told if i get it

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Name: Colton

In Game Name: CHall_74

How experienced: 9

What I've built in past: Spawns, Shops, So many bases (Awesome Ones), and helped build Owner build His base too

Can't share photos because the server I was on Shut down before I could take photos

What I prefer Building? Um Just anything If there isn't a shop I will probally start with that.

Skype: colton.hall71

Please I'd like to join this server

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In-Game name:qman200177

How experienced are you (1-10)?:9

What have you built in the past?: server spawns and other sort of spawns

Could you share some pictures(better chance getting chosin)?:i would but the servers went down a long time ago

What do you prefer building?:any thing spawns survival spawns factions spawns stuff like that!


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In-Game name:qman200177

How experienced are you (1-10)?:9

What have you built in the past?: server spawns and other sort of spawns

Could you share some pictures(better chance getting chosin)?:i would but the servers went down a long time ago

What do you prefer building?:any thing spawns survival spawns factions spawns stuff like that!


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so heres application

Name: alex

In-Game name: bobmekensi (don't ask why, i didn't pick it)

How experienced are you (1-10)?: 10-9

What have you built in the past?: everything and

anything, skyscrapers, a mosque, an arcology, underground city, cross world railway, shopping centre

Could you share some pictures(better chance getting chosin)?: not at the moment if i can ind some ill put them up

What do you prefer building?: underground buildings

Skype: alexanderthomaschi

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Name: Thomas

In-Game name: SlimeyBoy13

How experienced are you (1-10)?: 9

What have you built in the past?: Large factories and towers, mostly on TekkitNoodle (which I am SCL on) but also in Singleplayer worlds. I have built HV solar factories, world limit high mage towers, Quantum armour factories and many more great things.

Could you share some pictures(better chance getting chosin)?: I would if I could... you could come on TekkitNoodle right now and Teleport to me? Otherwise please be trustful that I can do these things.What do you prefer building?: Factories, but I do like to build pretty buildings (great for server spawns).

Skype: Thomas Hickford

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