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Been re-reading the rules, now I'm wondering.


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I ended up here by accident today, only to see the new (well, to me) personal attack post, I then went back and read the general rules...

So is it just me, or does the new policy kind of totally prevent anybody, including moderators and admins, from applying the dickbag rule?

I mean you can't go to somebody and be like "Hey you're being a dickbag!" because that would be a personal attack (including sanctions for dickbaggery)... Wouldn't it? Because a mod/admin can't be above his/her own rules... right?

Another concern I have after reading the rules is that nowhere does it say anything about legal, but vilified behaviours (not gonna give an example)...

Maybe I just think too much about stuff that doesn't matter... Cheers :)

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  • Moderators

You think too much...

Mods may have to obey the rules, that's debatable, but they are not the ones that the sticky is aimed at. They are certainly not the ones who need to take a knee.

Admins made the rules. They are total tyrants and dictators! They can do whatever they want whenever they want!

Woe! Woe any man or pink deaf woman who would dare cross their path...

oh and the sticky was meant as an reactive strike against any attacks against mod devs.

So you can be assured that mods/admins can still call put a stamp on you or me as a dickbag if we been naughty in this forum

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for the most part, criticism that is deserved isn't a problem. the only times it is is when the person doing the criticizing is like "HEY MAN, FUCK YOU YA DICKBAG! HOW ABOUT YOU GO EAT A BAG OF DICKS WHILE REREADING THE SERVER POST RULES, NUBCAKE! SNAP! EPIC BURN!"

you get what I mean. you can tell someone they're out of line without resorting to overly inflammatory invective.

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