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Texture Pack Questions.


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Hey everyone.

Ive recently discovered Teknik and Technic!

Myself and a bunch of friends who play together have started our own server and are really liking it altogether. - However, we are bummered that we cannot play with the texture pack we made for ourself.

Ive made several attempts to take our texture pack and make it so it would fit with teknik, however I am boggled and don't know where to start. Searching on oogle and other forums yielded no answers- I've also tried to take a look at existing texture packs, see where and what the file names were and place ones of identical names on my own pack, however nothing worked.

I'd like to ask if anyone could let me know what files I am looking to save as, and where can I find the default minecraft teknik 16x16 textures for all the awesome technic/teknik stuff!

P.S. Since we are playing together as mentioned above, its mostly for Teknik than it is for technic- Also if there is already a topic that could answer my questions, please do direct me there- Ive searched the forum search feature and found nothing for some odd reason. (as in, no results, not nothing that helped me.)

If anyone cares to help me through this feel free to add my MSN: [email protected] or Skype: Garmagor and give me a holler. Just make sure you state your from here and are about this issue since i get distracted and confused from other stuff.

Thanks alot, and I really hope somone could help me as Ive seen it is possible.

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Keep them in their respective folders.

A good way to get an idea of what I'm talking about is to download a couple texture packs and open up the zip files and see how it's been done.

Like I said I already tried to do it with Sphax's texture pack but i think theres a problem with the resolution as it fails to load and instead displays the unknown texture pack grayed out pack picture.

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