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Removing Microblocks


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Can someone explain to me how I can remove Forge Microblocks from the pack? I've looked in the mods folder and haven't found any mods with a similiar name.


Also, how do I go about accessing the weather mod in-game? (Hotkey?)



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I am having the same issue. It crashes trying to connect to the server requesting microblocks: tile.blockDiamond, tile.blockEmerald, tile.blockGold, tile.blockIron, tile.blockLapis, tile.bookshelf, tile.dirt, tile.lightgem, tile.sandStone_1, tile.sandStone_2, tile.stonebrick, tilestonebricksmooth, tile.stonebricksmooth_1, tilestonebricksmooth_2, and tilestonebricksmooth_3. Either I need to remove the need for microblocks or add microblocks to the server.

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I would assume, seeing as how many different items it adds, it would be a large file size.. But the biggest files I have in my mods folder are Tropicraft and Galacticraft.


Or does it come with the Forge "launcher" ?


I think removing the microblocks may help my performance. If anyone knows how, please let me and drbkowen know, please :)

Edited by 0siris
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umm...the modpack is built on a base of forge multipart, of which microblocks is a component.

The only way to remove it is to 'rebuild' the pack from a standard forge base.


Not particularly difficult, to be honest, but it won't be compatible with the standard modpack.

Edited by Brigadon
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umm...the modpack is built on a base of forge multipart, of which microblocks is a component.

The only way to remove it is to 'rebuild' the pack from a standard forge base.


Not particularly difficult, to be honest, but it won't be compatible with the standard modpack.


Dam, thats what I figured. Thanks anyways.




I'm having the same issue aswell as my friend. Its at the bottom of the mods when I look on mods, but its not loading for whatever reason?


Have you tried resetting the pack?

Edited by 0siris
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