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Energy Consumption? Bug or Screwup?

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Alright so I have a bit of a situation here and it sounds to me like it is a bug. Here is the exact setup.


6 Steam Dynamo pumping into a Redstone Conduit which Pumps into a Redstone Energy Cell Blue Side. Sounds simple right?

Now the redstone energy cell has the orange side where Redstone Conduits are connected that run all around my operations area. Now a Redstone Energy Cell store 10M RF if I am correct.


So keep all this in mind. So now here is what is connected to the output side of the cell. Magma Crucible, Furnace x3, Induction Smelter, Liquid Transposer, Pulverizer. Thats it from the TE3 side of things which as we know have an internal buffer and do not draw power when not in use.


I also have Harvester, Planter, Lava Fabricator, Oil fabricator, Auto-Spawner, Sludge Boiler, Auto Fisher. That's it from the Minefactory Reloaded side. And as an extra precaution each of these machines is turned off to prevent power draw. You can tell it is off because once you attach a lever to it and flip it on the Idle bar/work bar will come to a halt.


Now the kicker.....My Redstone Energy Cell will be full and I have the output set to like 200 mind you and the input set to 2000 will drain to absolute 0 in almost no time flat. So what on earth is going on? Is it a bug with the power draw and the fact my redstone conduits have a lot of microblocks involved? Or what. Even just doing the math makes no sense at all. How can you have a max input of 2000 and a max output of 200 and still get over a 100% loss? Doing the math, each Dynamo can output a max of 80 a tick. 80 x 6 is 480 a tick at max power. The logic behind that is null especially since the output is only at 200.

Edited by HalestormXV
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Just throwing the first obvious thing I can think of out here.  When it comes to your pipes, do they have Pneumatic Servos installed? If so? Is the option for the redstone set to disabled on the pipes? All pipes are default set to recognize a redstone signal. And last but not least do you have the little red notch symbol on at all the pipes that are outputs from the energy sources?

Edited by StratusNightstar
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No in Te3 the Power Pipes do not have to have their setting changed. That feature was removed as far as I am aware. Right now if you right click a connector portion of a conduit with your hammer you can set it to disconnect mode which simply just makes it not connect to whatever it is next to or connect mode which allows it to connect to what it is next to provided it has the ability to. Some pipes have the Servo's but only the ones that require item action be it sorting or what not. And the servos are used to whitlist and blacklist items. But they are already at the ignore redstone single option, but powerflow doesn't provide a redstone signal or at least I am not aware that it does and I am fairly certain it doesn't consume power either.

Edited by HalestormXV
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Yes I have had suspicions of that as well as I have seen some minor reports about it. I think I myself had a thread with that mentioned in it but thought it was related to Galacticraft Power....I haven't tried but I will have to test and I REALLY hope that is not the case....that would mean rewiring my entire base lol. Not a fun task.

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Well before I do that I did some testing and i think I may have figured it out....It might very well be the Advanced Genetics Machines. The test I ran was a quite simple one. I set up a secondary Redstone Energy Cell in my Advanced Genetics room. Now i let it fill a bit. It receives power from the main engine room where the primary Redstone Energy Cell is located. Now upon letting this secondary energy cell fill a bit I set the output side to flow into the conduits connecting to my Advanced Genetics machinery. It, as expected, filled up the machines with power however once the machines filled....it continued to drain the power from that secondary cell. 

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