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2 questions on teh new update to bteam...


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hey everyone, Im familiar with issues we've had in the past on hexxit 1.5.2 with better storage and TC mechworks


But since this is an updated version, as any tested to see if these are still issues with 1.6.4 ?


I haven't tested the Drawbridges, I plan to do so tonight.


1) are Storage crates still causeing Dupe issues with Backpacks?


2) are Drawbridges still Causeing crashes and Corrupting Chunks ?


If you put a DrawBridge inside of another drawbridge and try to  use redstone on in it to activate it, ... It will crash you launcher

and corrupt that chunk for the server. (though the server will not crash, just anyone loading that chunk will crash)


 I plan to test both issues later tonight to find the answers, but I was wondering if anyone else as had experience with this or any other crash issues they would like to note for server owners.



ive had def. crash issues with Mr Crayfish Stove oven. and the Invisiable Volleyball (creative only)

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Since the update, my users and I have only experienced Java-related crashes, which were easily handled with ye old Java uninstall/re-install "fix."  I'll be watching this thread to see what new issues our collective server members can come up with :P

Edited by McD285
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just wanted to update, we tested the Drawbridges and betterstraoge crates. there dosnt apper to be any crash issues with the drawbridges or corruption issues.


the crates wont dupe since the backpacks aren't in bteam so there no confliction/bug with the 2 items.

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kinda sucks though that the galtaic craft mod only seems to recognize vanilla glass and gatltic craft glass as sealable blocks

when making a spacestaion or moon base.


its seems to recognize all the other building blocks as air tight blocks. ive used every type of block and tested to make sure the ogyen sealer worked.


every building block created a sealed area. exacpt chisled glass designs and any type of glass but vanilla and the galactic craft glass.

thanks in advance if your able to fix this so we can use the chisled glass blocks and so forth to design on stations. :)

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