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Possible to automate removal of TE energy cell?


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Hi all,


Curious if anybody knows of a way to automate removal of a TE energy cell. I want to use a steve's cart to move a full energy cell to my quarry, place the energy cell, take the old energy cell, take the stored resources, bring them back, and then swap the battery at the charging station before dropping off the contents of the cart. I have it all figured out except how to remove the full energy cell without losing all the energy contained within. Any thoughts?





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I have not used any other wrench for a long time, because the crescent hammer does a damn lot of things, and does them well. If you fail to manipulate a TE block woth a non-TE wrench, using TE's own wrench should be an extremely obvious choice for your second try.


That being said, no guarantees that it will work. Not sure if automation can be driven that far at all.

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It was not immediately obvious to me, because there has been quite literally nothing I've encountered in the game thus far the BC wrench has not been usable in place of the CH. That said, the CH does seem to work. In the meantime, I solved this problem with a computercraft/TE engineering turtle. Might swap to using the autonomous activator instead, though, as it avoids potential computercraft nastiness. Thanks for the CH suggestion.

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