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Hello all!

I am trying to make a custom modpack, and it will not load properly. Please help!

When you start the pack, it downloads fine, but when it tries to load it gets this error: 


[b#439] Analytics Response [runLauncher]: 200
[b#439] {"accessToken":"d86fe6b9a20b4b8db90f011c9070ca67","clientToken":"0af5905a-a354-4d97-85fe-32875c36dae6","selectedProfile":{"id":"36b83cee005642578dcf51899a977bf8","name":"Jonny3456"}}
[b#439] Pack: ultra-modded-survival-pack Image Download Worker Calculated MD5: 4febcbda57bab9b1ecc71f32a4a01af6 Required MD5: db0646ac413ed51ee120fdfa415a7764
[b#439] Starting download of http://cdn.technicpack.net/platform/pack-logos/266012.png?1398295965, with 3 tries remaining
[b#439] Pack: tekkitmain Image Download Worker Calculated MD5: 2f9625f8343cd1aaa35d3dd631ad64e1 Required MD5: 175523449f470a05bf4a32dfa3c48b0c
[b#439] Starting download of http://cdn.technicpack.net/resources/tekkitmain/logo.png?1396540086, with 3 tries remaining
[b#439] Expected MD5: 1372bd4823bb1ef61e7db6724f601150 Calculated MD5: 1372bd4823bb1ef61e7db6724f601150
[b#439] Expected MD5: 0d622e2ac4368b5a33d540a9e4819e0c Calculated MD5: 0d622e2ac4368b5a33d540a9e4819e0c
[b#439] Expected MD5: f6a93b7eb8083e4ced92e7e253657057 Calculated MD5: f6a93b7eb8083e4ced92e7e253657057
[b#439] Expected MD5: 247b45f9d2f0071ad543c14d0ff31d5c Calculated MD5: 247b45f9d2f0071ad543c14d0ff31d5c
[b#439] Expected MD5: 93730cef2e75762c5a1431c6d7a0c78e Calculated MD5: 93730cef2e75762c5a1431c6d7a0c78e
[b#439] Expected MD5: 6d9d7d6c163caf74984465694d3566e7 Calculated MD5: 6d9d7d6c163caf74984465694d3566e7
[b#439] Expected MD5: e9960995974979445b03bc644b9e9853 Calculated MD5: e9960995974979445b03bc644b9e9853
[b#439] Expected MD5: 7749dd7eca4403fb968ddc484263736a Calculated MD5: 7749dd7eca4403fb968ddc484263736a
[b#439] Expected MD5: 5f4a710056b492b9cbdff5d3897b402a Calculated MD5: 5f4a710056b492b9cbdff5d3897b402a
[b#439] Expected MD5: 71b48e6b3e1b1dc73fe705604b9c7584 Calculated MD5: 71b48e6b3e1b1dc73fe705604b9c7584
[b#439] Expected MD5: 7f97854dc04c119d461fed14f5d8bb96 Calculated MD5: 7f97854dc04c119d461fed14f5d8bb96
[b#439] Expected MD5: cc07d371f79dc4ed2239e1101ae06313 Calculated MD5: cc07d371f79dc4ed2239e1101ae06313
[b#439] Expected MD5: f60976b19661c849c5c87433045a9885 Calculated MD5: f60976b19661c849c5c87433045a9885
[b#439] Expected MD5: 08cce0687047cc068b6f1bdd45b14cf4 Calculated MD5: 08cce0687047cc068b6f1bdd45b14cf4
[b#439] Expected MD5: ce74486a7687ad7ea91dcc1fcd6977b8 Calculated MD5: ce74486a7687ad7ea91dcc1fcd6977b8
[b#439] Expected MD5: 6a0eeaf3451ed9646b7d61a9dd8b86cc Calculated MD5: 6a0eeaf3451ed9646b7d61a9dd8b86cc
[b#439] Expected MD5: 30e99b9386040f387fd94c26c1ac64d3 Calculated MD5: 30e99b9386040f387fd94c26c1ac64d3
[b#439] Expected MD5: b168b014be0186d9e95bf3d263e3a129 Calculated MD5: b168b014be0186d9e95bf3d263e3a129
[b#439] Running C:Program FilesJavajre7binjavaw.exe -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.library.path=C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksweaponmasters-modpack-testbinnatives -Dfml.core.libraries.mirror=http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/lib/fml/%s -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory=C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksweaponmasters-modpack-test -cp C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachenetsfjopt-simplejopt-simple4.5jopt-simple-4.5.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodecodecjorbis20101023codecjorbis-20101023.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodecodecwav20101023codecwav-20101023.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodelibraryjavasound20101123libraryjavasound-20101123.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodelibrarylwjglopenal20100824librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachecompaulscodesoundsystem20120107soundsystem-20120107.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccacheargoargo2.25_fixedargo-2.25_fixed.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccacheorgbouncycastlebcprov-jdk15on1.47bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachecomgoogleguavaguava14.0guava-14.0.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccacheorgapachecommonscommons-lang33.1commons-lang3-3.1.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachecommons-iocommons-io2.4commons-io-2.4.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachenetjavajinputjinput2.0.5jinput-2.0.5.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachenetjavajutilsjutils1.0.0jutils-1.0.0.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccachecomgooglecodegsongson2.2.2gson-2.2.2.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccacheorglwjgllwjgllwjgl2.9.0lwjgl-2.9.0.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.techniccacheorglwjgllwjgllwjgl_util2.9.0lwjgl_util-2.9.0.jar;C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksweaponmasters-modpack-testbinminecraft.jar net.minecraft.client.main.Main --username Jonny3456 --session token:d86fe6b9a20b4b8db90f011c9070ca67:36b83cee005642578dcf51899a977bf8 --version 1.6.4 --gameDir C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksweaponmasters-modpack-test --assetsDir C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.technicassetsvirtuallegacy --title WeaponMasters Modpack Test --icon C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.technicassets/packs/weaponmasters-modpack-test/icon.png
[b#439] Analytics Response [runModpack]: 200
[b#439]  2014-04-23 18:51:44 [CLIENT] [iNFO] Setting user: Jonny3456
[b#439]  2014-04-23 18:51:44 [CLIENT] [iNFO] (Session ID is token:d86fe6b9a20b4b8db90f011c9070ca67:36b83cee005642578dcf51899a977bf8)
[b#439]  Completely ignored arguments: [--title, WeaponMasters Modpack Test, --icon, C:Usersairfo_000AppDataRoaming.technicassets/packs/weaponmasters-modpack-test/icon.png]
[b#439]  2014-04-23 18:51:44 [CLIENT] [iNFO] LWJGL Version: 2.9.0
[b#439]  2014-04-23 18:51:45 [CLIENT] [iNFO] Reloading ResourceManager: Default
[b#439]  Starting up SoundSystem...
[b#439]  Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
[b#439]      (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL.  For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)
[b#439]  OpenAL initialized.


Please help!

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Never mind I fixed it. 



  • That is the launcher log. You need the FML log and crash report.
  • Post links to your pack page and/or your download URL.



How do I send a update out? Like where I do not have to reinstall the pack?


For instance, you know if you have a modpack selected and it says it wants to update? How do I make it say would you like to update?

  • Discord Moderator
  • Update your download URL with your new pack archive.
  • Change your Technic pack settings to point at this updated URL.
  • Change/increment the version number in the pack settings.
  • Save the pack.


  • You may not have all the libraries you need. Download this and extract it to your server folder: https://copy.com/qLsTvZfUUkkb
  • You may have some client only mods in there. I saw something about REIFnsk which is REI's Minimap Mod and that doesn't belong on your server at all.


Ohhh I totally forgot about those. How do I know which are client only? 

  • Discord Moderator

Ohhh I totally forgot about those. How do I know which are client only? 


The correct response to this query is "by following the mod author's instructions". Unfortunately, not all authors provide the best instructions.


If you post a link to your pack page and/or download URL I'll take a peek.

  • Discord Moderator

The mods which seem to be client only from that pack:

  • REIMinimap
  • DamageIndicators
  • ArmorStatusHUD
  • MobAmputation
  • MobDismemberment
  • ImprovedFirstPerson
  • NoVoidFog
  • StatusEffectHUD

Try those and see where it gets you.

Posted (edited)

OK , I added WarpDrive and Computercraft, last night. Now I get this error when I start the server through the server files. 



I think I know the problem, but post your suggestions, might need them.


The mods which seem to be client only from that pack:

  • REIMinimap
  • DamageIndicators
  • ArmorStatusHUD
  • MobAmputation
  • MobDismemberment
  • ImprovedFirstPerson
  • NoVoidFog
  • StatusEffectHUD

Try those and see where it gets you.


Edited by Jonny3456
  • Discord Moderator
Posted (edited)
  1. You are going to want to put some upper bound on your memory allocation. -Xmx4G might be a good starting point given how much RAM you have.
  2. You "might" be missing a library file, but that pastebin is so poorly formatted it's a bit hard to read.
  3. You need to update Mekanism. There is a fatal problem between Mekanism Universal Cable from your current version and IC2.
  4. GunCusExplosives mod has item ID conflicts with ArsMagica2 and IC2.

I took the liberty of downloading your pack and removing the mods I listed above. Aside from the fact that both the server and client take FOREVER to start the server (because of GregTech <sigh>) it all seems to work fine and I can connect to the server from the client.

Edited by plowmanplow


  1. You are going to want to put some upper bound on your memory allocation. -Xmx4G might be a good starting point given how much RAM you have.
  2. You "might" be missing a library file, but that pastebin is so poorly formatted it's a bit hard to read.
  3. You need to update Mekanism. There is a fatal problem between Mekanism Universal Cable from your current version and IC2.
  4. GunCusExplosives mod has item ID conflicts with ArsMagica2 and IC2.

I took the liberty of downloading your pack and removing the mods I listed above. Aside from the fact that both the server and client take FOREVER to start the server (because of GregTech <sigh>) it all seems to work fine and I can connect to the server from the client.


Ok I remoed GregTech, and I updated Mekanism. I added idfixminimus to the mod list to fix the ID conflicts.

When I launched the server I got this. 


Posted (edited)

You have failed to remove one of the client-only mods.

There are no client mods in my server files... It keeps happening. 

Edited by Jonny3456
  • Discord Moderator
  • I am able to "start" your client pack. However, you have failed to address the item ID conflicts which I pointed out in an earlier post. You MUST fix these if you intend to use your pack on a server.
  • You have IDFixMinus in your pack you are distributing. You should never do this. IDFixMinus is intended to aid you in resolving conflicts while building your pack. If you wish to keep the idfixminus.txt and mod jar around for a later time when/if you want to add mods to the pack that is fine but you shouldn't be including it in the pack you push out publicly. This is a recommendation when only doing SSP and a hard requirement when intending to do SMP on a server with your pack.
  • I fixed the item ID conflicts and removed IDFixMinus from the pack. I then copied the configs over to the server instance I set up with your pack after removing the mods mentioned in one of my other posts in this thread. I was able to join that server with your pack with my changes.
Posted (edited)

Ok, I will remove IdFixMinimus. I am unsure on how to fix ths IdConflicts. Could you explain that? Could you link me to the server files you made? (Then I can get the IDFix from the configs on those server files)
Sorry for being such a nub. I am very new to this.




  • I am able to "start" your client pack. However, you have failed to address the item ID conflicts which I pointed out in an earlier post. You MUST fix these if you intend to use your pack on a server.
  • You have IDFixMinus in your pack you are distributing. You should never do this. IDFixMinus is intended to aid you in resolving conflicts while building your pack. If you wish to keep the idfixminus.txt and mod jar around for a later time when/if you want to add mods to the pack that is fine but you shouldn't be including it in the pack you push out publicly. This is a recommendation when only doing SSP and a hard requirement when intending to do SMP on a server with your pack.
  • I fixed the item ID conflicts and removed IDFixMinus from the pack. I then copied the configs over to the server instance I set up with your pack after removing the mods mentioned in one of my other posts in this thread. I was able to join that server with your pack with my changes.


Edited by Jonny3456
  • Discord Moderator

Sure, just open the ForgeModLoader client config and search for "CONFLICT" (without quotes). If there is an item from one mod overwriting an item from another mod (ignore the hunger mod conflicts in your pack) you need to look at their config files and change one to a free ID. You can dump item/block IDs using NEI, but you might need to do the 256 ID shift thing.


I can put up the server stuff, but not at the moment. On my phone right now hehe.

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