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How do i configure TC and AG?


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I dont know whether or not i need to configure TConstruct for this but for the heart canisters to work the player must be killed by a mob for the the extra hearts to appear. Also, is there a way to configure Advanced genetics so when a player dies, they keep their genetic modifications? I am running the latest versions of the modpack and server. 

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TC should let you heal up to the new maximum, it doesn't give you the hearts straight away.  If it's not doing then it's some kind of bug - let me know if that's the case.


As far as I'm aware AG doesn't let you keep the mods through death, but you can take a sample of your own blood which will contain everything you can then use after death to get your mods back.

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I am going to look into the TC thing, and see if it is a bug. I have had issues with TC extra hearts and the Morph mod, and i think that's a bug.


EDIT: It is a bug. I took the hearts out of the slot and back in, and they started working.

Edited by dscliff
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I remember there being a config value for advanced genetics that permitted gene mods to be kept on death, but I would have to look for it again.



Edit: Was incorrect, was thinking of the morphs config file in regards to this type of thing but for morphs instead (I:loseMorphsOnDeath=0)

Edited by Kalbintion
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