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A Comprehensive Voltz Server Running Guide. (3.1.1)


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Good evening Ladies and Gents. This is as the title says a comprehensive Voltz server guide, focusing on version 3.1.1. I will also include heaps of information not pertaining specifically to Voltz servers, that you might not have known at the bottom. This guide will seek to answer every question about how to build, advertise, design, and maintain your server.

The latest version of a Voltz server is currently version 3.1.1 (Now 3.1.2). With the launch of this new server file many people are probably wondering just how you set up a working 3.1.1 Multiplayer Voltz Server. Well there isn't really any big of a difference except now the former problem on the 2.0.4 server where there were missing .jar files is fixed! Also, Java 7 is hard coded into the new version of Voltz therefore its a must have. Read on however if your still curious. Whether this is your first time or are merely needing a refresher, this is how from A-Z on the Windows operating system and some extra info.

This can be downloaded here: http://http://forums.technicpack.net/topic/62753-help-test-the-next-generation-of-Voltz-311-beta/

Java 7! If you do not currently have Java 7 it will cause the server to have an error. The new version of Voltz is hard-coded to Java 7.
You can verify Java and Uninstall out of date versions of it via the Java website at: http://Java.com/en/download/uninstallapplet.jsp.
You can manually download it here: http://Java.com/en/download/

Minecraft: https://Minecraft.net/download and an active Minecraft account.

Technic Launcher: http://www.technicpack.net/download and the beta build of Voltz installed.

It is recommended to have at least 100MB of available memory to allocate to each player you plan to have on your server. If you plan to have excessive chunk loading or higher then average processes, you might need to allocate up to 200MB or higher. Therefore if your computer's memory is below 4000MB you should consider a server host(See bottom of post). To view your memory either visit system properties or Taskmgr. Please note that just because your computer says 4k of RAM, it doesn't mean that you have 4k available.

Ensure that your internet connection's speeds are fast enough to support the size of the server you plan on running. 30mbps+ recommended.


Once you have downloaded or updated all of the necessary software and folders it is time to get to work. Create a new folder where you can easily access it and name it something along the lines of VoltzServer although it doesn't mater. Drag the Voltz_Server_v3.1.1.zip folder into that folder. Right click on it and select extract contents. Click "ok" and wait for that to finish. Open the new folder. Inside this folder you shall see several other folders, a few .jar files, and a batch file (.bat file extension).

Here is the list of files that should be contained in there:


Now right click on the launch.bat file and "Open with" notepad or preferably notepad++. Inside will be two lines of code. Here they are=

Java -Xmx3g -Xms2g -jar Voltz.jar nogui

Using SSH run: Java -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -jar Voltz.jar nogui

All you need to worry about is the -Xmx3G -XMS2G lines. Change the numerical values to tell the server what it's maximum and what it's minimum memory is to be.

Save the batch file. CRTL-S

Now launch the batch file. The server should begin to boot up inside a cmd window, load the different mods and coremods, generate the spawn ect. It should also begin generating several files and folders inside your VoltzServer File. Among these will be a server log, whitelist, world file, ect.

Common Errors

If you receive an error saying something along the lines of "Java is not recognized as an operable command, executable file yada yada yada. You need to replace "Java" in the launch.bat file with the full physical path to Java. On windows x64 users that is "C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binJava.exe"
Make sure to put the path inside quotation marks. Your launch.bat file should now look like this:

"C:ProgramFiles (x86)Javajre7binJava.exe" -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar Voltz.jar nogui

Save the batch file.

Any other Java related problems? Well you probably need to update to Java 7.

If you receive the error "FAILED TO BIND TO PORT" then there is likely a server or something already listening on that port. Port forward the server to a different port (see below) and change the port in the serverproperties file (also see below)

This error was fixed with 3.1.1, but if you receive an error that some .jar files are missing. Google them, manually download them, and place them in the correct folders.

Congratulations as soon as you see the "Done" message inside the command prompt window your server is semi-running. Run Voltz, go to Multiplayer>Direct Connect. For the server IP type in "localhost". You should now log into the server. Question is how exactly can you allow other players on the server? Well the answer lies in your router!


Go to start and search for "CMD" or "command prompt". Open it and type in "ipconfig". Hit enter. After maybe a second of delay you should be presented with all sorts of information about your network. What we want are the Default Gateway and your IPv4 Address.

Search around until you find them and then write them down somewhere. The default gateway will likely be "" or "" The possibilities for your IPv4 Address are much more broad, they can be any of these: "" or ""

Now open up any web browser. Type in your default gateway into the address bar and hit enter.

You should now be presented the log in page for your router. The default username is "admin" the default password is likely "password" if its not, go look on your router and find it. After you are logged in, search around for the "port forwarding" section. The location varies among routers, but it will likely be under the advanced settings section.

Create a new service once you find it. For both the TCP and UPD ports fill in "25565" (Which is the default port for Minecraft servers). Name the service whatever you want, and under IP Address input your IPv4 address. Make sure the service is enabled and save the settings.

Now what you just did was you told the router that any information wanting to pass through port 25565 is to go to your computer's IPv4 address and thus to your computer. So that when a player attempts to connect to your server via port 25565, it is directed to the server running on your computer.

Please note that you can configure which port for the server to listen on inside the serverproperties file! This allows you to run multiple servers at once so long as they are listening on different ports.

Lovely now your Minecraft server is open to the public, but how would other users connect?

Players on your local network:
For players that are on your local network they would connect to your server by typing in the IPv4 address of the computer the server is running on, a colon, and then the port the server is listening on. Therefore it could look like this: "".

Players connecting from remote networks.
First we need to find out your public IP Address. NOT YOUR IPV4 ADDRESS! Somewhere inside your router it will be listed, but I recommend simply going to a website such as http://whatsmyip.org.
To connect to your server they must simply type in your public Ip Address, a colon, and then the port the server is listening on. So it could look like this: "". That is not a real Ip Address by the way.

Congratulations, as long as your server is online, players should be able to connect and play on it.


Editing the MOTD
Inside the folder that stores your Voltz server look for the serverproperties file. Right click and open with notepad or notepad++. Edit the MOTD at the bottom all you like.

Editing Which Port the Server Will Listen On.
Open up your server properties folder and simply input a new port number by "port=xxxxx"

Useful Server Commands.
stop = Gracefully shuts down the server and saves everything
seed= Displays the world seed.
/say = Say something as the server
ban <playername>[reason]= Ban a player with a reason.
ban-ip <ip-address>= Bans an ip address so that no connections from that Ip address can connect to the server.
op <playername>= Ops a player
deop <playername>= De-ops a player
difficulty <0-3> = Changes the difficulty
defaultgamemode <0-1-2> = Sets the default gamemode of the server.
kick <playername> [reason]= Kicks a player from the server temporarily.
save-all = Saves the worlds.
/help = Displays available commands
pardon <playername> = Removes the player from the ban list.
pardon <ip-address> = Removes the Ip-Address from the ban list.
list = Lists the names of all players currently connected.

Creating a Server Website.
It is recommended to use Enjin. Enjin Provides a customize-able website, and a server store allowing server members to purchase ranks and in game items along with donations. Auto syncs the ranks using their custom plugin. Many other useful features not listed here.

Changing the Color of the MOTD.
See: http://www.Minecraftforum.net/forums/support/server-support/tutorials-and-faqs/1940468-how-to-add-colour-to-your-server-motd

Or if your just looking for the symbol list it can be found in the description of this Youtube video:

Edited by Rivernada
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