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Bad Login my BUTT


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Everytime I open up attack of the B Team and want to play a server it says, "Failed to Login: Bad Login" WHYYY Single player works fine though

I can think of three reasons.


A. Your internet isn't good enough to connect to a server

B. The server is too far away to connect to. (You might be in the US, but the server is in the UK; or visa versa.)

C. You miss-typed the server address. 

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Bad login is none of those, its a loss of authentication with the minecraft authentication servers - ie: relog into the account from the launcher.

I didnt get how to do that, but I am in the U.S. the server is in Canada maybe because of that? I also relog my user in Technic, turn it on and off, and reset the pack if that helps but it never works!
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