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Age: 14

Gender: male

Location: Texas

Little About yourself: im a great builder, and redstoner, and have a good expirience with this modpack, and im a verry calm person.

Why do you want to join Empire: Metropia?: because i have been looking for a atack o fthe bteam server for a long time.

What would you bring as form of help to your fellow Metropians if you joined?: Im planning to be the tinkers constrocter.

What was the last server you were on? and why did you leave, or why do you want to leave to join ours?: it was a mianite server but the palyer atmosphere was really getting me angery and frustrated.

*dont judge the grammer is that im writing on my iphone....


Age: 14

Gender: Male

Location: Texas

Little About yourself: Im a good builder and really calm person 

Why do you want to join Empire: Metropia?: Because ive been looking for a server like this for a long time

What would you bring as form of help to your fellow Metropians if you joined?:  Because I will always give a hand to those in need 

What was the last server you were on? and why did you leave, or why do you want to leave to join ours?:  Because  everybody stopped joining and alot of people were inmature




Account Name:Stormstar13


When Did You Start Playing?: 2012

What Do you Enjoy doing the most in Minecraft?: Building and playing with other people



Age: 15

Gender: Male

Location: Indiana

Little About yourself: I like to build and make machines

Why do you want to join Empire: Metropia?: Im sick of PTW servers aswell

I just want to play on a world thats not completley destroyed with friends

What would you bring as form of help to your fellow Metropians if you joined?:

My knowledge of most of the mods, and im still learning the rest

What was the last server you were on? and why did you leave, or why do you want to leave to join ours?:

CluodCrux network,Because its contstantly PVP and no community whatsoever

Game Info





Working with others

Out of game Info




I build food shops and make weapons

I just want to play with others and not get pvp'd without good reason

My knowledge of food and weapons and making businesses

CloudCrux Net./ always pvp'd and no friendliness at all


Dragonmaster179: added to whitelist, welcome


Stormstar13: added to whitelist, welcome


there is some bugs in the system, just be patient with us, we are still a new system. but you may log in whenever, claim a plot or go explore. metropia is now your home :)


my minecraft name is: savannahfaith

my age is: 13

i started playing in: 2012

i like most in minecraft is: building and farming :)



out of game stuff



location: ky


stuff about me: im a gamer and i like many games and love art and bunnys! :)

why you want to join empire metropia: all the over servers are not good for me and are to laggy and i want to have fun with people:)


what would bring as a form of help to your fellow metropians: i know most of the mods and im nice to everyone :)


what was the last server you were on and why did you leave to join ours: it was ntgclan, i left beause its going down hill and people were saying super bad words


i would love to join your sever:) i would bing kindness :)


my minecraft name is: savannahfaith

my age is: 13

i started playing in: 2012

i like most in minecraft is: building and farming :)



out of game stuff



location: ky


stuff about me: im a gamer and i like many games and love art and bunnys! :)

why you want to join empire metropia: all the over servers are not good for me and are to laggy and i want to have fun with people:)


what would bring as a form of help to your fellow metropians: i know most of the mods and im nice to everyone :)


what was the last server you were on and why did you leave to join ours: it was ntgclan, i left beause its going down hill and people were saying super bad words


i would love to join your sever:) i would bing kindness :)


my minecraft name is: savannahfaith

my age is: 13

i started playing in: 2012

i like most in minecraft is: building and farming :)



out of game stuff



location: ky


stuff about me: im a gamer and i like many games and love art and bunnys! :)

why you want to join empire metropia: all the over servers are not good for me and are to laggy and i want to have fun with people:)


what would bring as a form of help to your fellow metropians: i know most of the mods and im nice to everyone :)


what was the last server you were on and why did you leave to join ours: it was ntgclan, i left beause its going down hill and people were saying super bad words


i would love to join your sever:) i would bing kindness :)


Account Name: Professor_TheFox

Age: 14

When did you start playing?: It was at least two years ago, not exactly sure what version

What do you enjoy doing the most in Minecraft?: Building (mostly on multiplayer servers)

Gender: Female

Location: New York

Little about yourself: I've been told I am creative (explains why I like bulding) and sarcastic :P 

Why do you want to join Empire: Metropia?: I've been trying to find a good, friendly server I can safely build on without knowing im going to be greifed. Also, it gets boring playing alone, so I always like a good community.

What would you bring as form of help to your fellow Metropians if you joined?: Possibly help building with others.

What was the last server you were on? and why did you leave, or why do you want to leave to join ours?: The last server I was on was Endercraft (i think) Network. I left because you could only claim so much land. It was a very low amount of land you could claim without donating (from what i experienced).


Thank you for reading :3



Gender: Male

Location: Colorado

Little About yourself: Love building almost anything

Why do you want to join Empire: Metropia?: I have been looking for a fun and friendly server for a long time

What would you bring as form of help to your fellow Metropians if you joined?: I would help out with anything that was needed

What was the last server you were on? and why did you leave, or why do you want to leave to join ours?: It was a small server and the lag just became to much.



Professor_TheFox, Sprinter35 you have been added to the whitelist. i apologize for the late reply. please head to the website for more details there.




~ forum moderators, i request a move in my thread to a more on catergory for my forum post, or locking this thread. i have since switched to a more stable modpack. thank you.

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