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Posts posted by sct

  1. Wow! Making a post-it-note and sticking it on the corner of my screen.

    When dealing with Technic forums!

    1. Follow the posting rules!

    2. You are not entitled to piss here, be nice ask for help in the proper format.

    3. The rules are to be followed... ALWAYS!

    4. And most important. DO NOT get into it with the mods here YOU'LL lose.

    As far as it goes I'm a noob here on the forums and know better than get into it with the moderators! I read the rules before I posted anything..


    Or the sum it all up in one rule:

    1) Don't be an idiot dickbutt

  2. Personally, while I can understand why you have to reset your password... it's kinda annoying that you have to log into your mail TWICE... once to confirm it, then to get the new password. Which if you're used to one password in one place.. you'll have to change it BACK. Thank goodness you don't have to confirm that!

    All that new-password stuff aside... the site has that huge-ass top-banner thing... it takes up like the whole first screen of EVERY page...

    Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dismiss it bro!

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