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Posts posted by sct

  1. Free To Play is always equal to 'terrible nickle-and-diming pay-to-win bullshit' to me. I'm hopeful but I'm not too excited. I'll wait a few months after it drops to check it out.

    Not always. Although I don't play it much anymore I think LoL has the F2P model down perfectly. All the micro transaction stuff is all cosmetic (and new heroes, but that can be earned through playing as well!)

  2. The new forum is awesome, and very impressive looking, but the only negative I have noticed so far is that the

    aren't different colored from the rest. This = moar kellers.

    Its intentional that they are the same color. Having stickies be a different color causes "sticky blindness." People are very used to just ignoring stickies and this way they are for all intents and purposes a normal thread just always at the top. This way people will look over them more often and not just immediately draw their eyes past them.

  3. Well feck. All of my animated avatars are 125x125+. Sheeeeiiit. GET ON THE BALL TECHNIC TEAMS

    But no really this is pretty awesome. Much better than the old one; though I still can't for the life of me figure out how to watch a thread. I'm probably just being dumb.

    Resize them in photoshop and set it again!

  4. That's good.

    However these adverts are bugging me. Literally.

    I can hardly see the front page on this phone.

    And aren't you guys veremently opposed to advertisement pennies?

    Or do I need to do a virus scan...

    The ads we are using are pretty non-invasive and where you would expect them. This style isn't meant for mobile devices so no, the ads won't scale perfectly. (Or maybe they will on a good phone like mine :smug:)

    Mobile version in the workkkkkss

  5. Having to mouseover things is an excessive restriction and limitation for people who use screen readers (because screen readers utilize HTML features to determine context and present related information together, but all the Javascript indirection makes it impossible for the screen reader to figure out what goes with what, and that's even if the screen reader can pull out the text from the Javascript in the first place), and for people who have difficulty or inability using a mouse (severe arthritis, amputation, Parkinson's, etc.) but who are able to use a keyboard (some people have gloves with sticks on them that let them hunt-and-peck a key at a time and use tabbing to navigate websites, and others use tongue or voice control).

    And that's even setting aside the fact that the previous site was perfectly usable with Javascript disabled, and this one is much less so (but so far, it seems there are at least workarounds for most things, so at least it's not unusable).

    Praise? Well, the biggest praise I can give it is I like a watched-thread system much better than the new-replies-in-threads-in-which-I've-posted system. That is a massive improvement.

    The thread previews DO NOT retract from any normal forum functionality when they aren't being shown. People can still enter the thread and have it read to them like normal. This is also made so with javascript disabled everything should still function completely as normal. Even the forum descriptions revert to being shown under the forum names! Whoaaaa! Sounds like you are just trying to nitpick at everything you can. :argh: CHANGEEE!!!

    Get your shitty non-praise out of my praise thread!

  6. 1) No more customizeable blurb next to avatar? ("Status text" seems to do nothing.)


    2) Way too much use of mouseovers and popups: Clunky and difficult on mobile devices and for disabled users with vision or dexterity limitations. Plus, the zooming and bouncing of the popups makes me slightly nauseous.

    There will be a mobile version released soon as well to make this a pleasure on mobile devices. We will even support Tapatalk! I am confused by what disabled users and dexterity limitation have to do with any of that though? And if the small amount of popups and transitioning (for the quick reply, i assume) is making you nauseous maybe you shouldn't use a computer and go see a doctor. That seems pretty serious.

    3) Related to #2, can't see what purpose each board serves without mousing over, and there is even a delay before the tooltip even pops up, so if you're quick, you don't even realize there is a tooltip at all.

    Good. Every board is now a delicious surprise holding goodies and treats!


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