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Posts posted by The_DarthMoogle

  1. First mod was Technic

    Didnt know how to add mods back then (wut is meta-inf n houw do i delete it??).

    But when Caker presented the launcher, i stopped using technic. Honestly believed that Cakemix was a pirate who wanted everyones password.

    Still havent touched technic :)

    I was about to ask what the hell you were doing here then, but I remembered we have other freeloaders on this forum. Silly me.

  2. I haven't had any exposure to FC, just going with what I know. I'm gonna go drink some gasoline and go to bed, and see whether I can get my tangential point across tomorrow.

  3. The entire modding community is slowly becoming a pissing contest. I'm not opposed to mod authors creating mods for the attention (bad phrase, I'm tired) on principle, but too many are beginning to compete against one another. Eloraam has a right to a lot of the pie, what with the devotion put into the project, but there is such thing as too much. The lack of block-ids used in RedPower has got to cause problems somewhere in the line, and is probably one of the main reasons FC couldn't stand working with Forge anymore. Conversely, FC withdrawing from forge/technic is somewhat selfpromoting, as it reinforces the fanbase and increases independant identity. Is it a good thing in the grand scheme of things? No.

    You heard it here first, and mark my words, the modding community will be the end of minecraft by the time the year is out.

  4. Remind your parents that you are growing up, and would like an opportunity to show them, that when given freedom, you can still make a responsible, and informed decision.

    Oi, leave semantics out of this! The money involved in this is complicated, mainly because of where it's come from, so they have every right in every way to stop me from buying an expensive custom built gaming PC. Presenting research on this is the way to show that I am being responsible about it.

  5. So I recently acquired a fairly large sum of money. That apparently should be spent on a car that will sit on the drive because I go the same school my dad teaches at >.<

    Problem is, online banking's being a bitch and I'm unable to buy a new computer ('cause my shitty school laptop isn't giving me more than 1k view distance on ArmaII) without physically writing a cheque.

    This more or less means that my parents have the final say in what I will potentially spend a large amount of money on. (Understandably)

    Unfortunately it is in their nature to take me to PC World and buy me a prebuilt rig, that won't have nearly the right specs I need to run Cubase without any hitches. I pretty much need a gaming computer. Processing power is key, though.

    So I need your help to suggest the best possible deals on desktop PCs, gaming or otherwise for £800 (upper limit of £1000 as I may be able to have £200 subsidised from elsewhere). I am in the UK, in England.

    Please do not discuss others' posts, as I need to show my parents this thread (and similar ones on other forums) to convince them that there are other, and far better options. (Yes I will clean up OP, and I actually could spend waaaaaaay more, but cars are cool admittedly)

    Best one I found so far


    Huge thanks in advance,


    Hooray for copypaste

  6. Whether you install DayZ or not is up to you, but ArmA II will occupy you for a long time if you dig into the enormous modding community, or find a cool server to stick around with.

    Rise & Fall Civilisations at War is an unbelievably underrated RTS, even more so than Supreme Commander. The ability to go down into the enormous battles and hack and slash in third person never gets old. The online community still goes strong over the weekends.

    Sims 2/3. I'll let you find out yourself why it takes up so much of your life. It was the house building that did it for me.

    Play the first three Monkey Island games. Do it now.

    Black & White. Peter Molyneux entire brain was expended on this series, and he made it count. Epic battles in number 2.

    Botanicula will have you grinning like an idiot all the way through. Much squee is to be had here.

    Battlefield 2142 is the best one in the series, and I'm glad the upcoming Black Ops 2 is edging towards the future too.

    And although it isn't a game, watch Battlestar Galactica (the new series) from start to finish, that'll replace video games for a few months until Planetside 2 turns up.

  7. That would have been helpful information to include from the start.

    Information is most definitely not supposed to cross from one side the other, they work on different OSs, and half of the school side needs to be connected to the network to operate at all. I figured that including that information was irrelevant because I'm supposed to have a totally independent system here. Also, school terminals suck at running TF2.

  8. Okay, problem solved!

    I am running on a school provided laptop, that is partitioned into a 'School' network capable side, and a 'Home' side that I'm free to put minecraft and other nonsense on.

    I had a look where the launcher was installing to, and it was dumping it on the 'School' side's appdata, meaning Minecraft is now available on every terminal on the school system. (I checked, login info required as usual)


    Totally gonna put Tor on there now and download billions of pr0n.

  9. Have you actually enabled it to show hidden files? Theres a setting. Aslo I bElieve the common problems thread tells you the direct path to the folder. Please take a look at that and follow the path directly instead of searching your HD. Do both those things!

    ...as much I don't want to feel like an ass I need to say it again. I have already done the blindingly obvious, and then searched elsewhere for solutions and similar problems. I have still not found the AppData folder, so I'm going for the 'plonk it on a USB' option instead. This ain't a common problem, however if there was a way I could find out where the launcher was deciding to unpack itself on first launch, that would be helpful.

    EDIT : That's a stoopid idea, as I would need to find and get rid of the old one -.-

  10. Here is a link to a build-off video by Dratnos: Forestry without Frestry

    Uum. Aside from his voice being annoying, he'd done something awkward to his client meaning textures didn't spawn and I could hardly tell what was going on.

    Anyway, I've been mooching around the dev build, and redpower frames are

    A. sexy, and

    B. perfect for this.

    No pics, as I got lonely and switched back for some SMP

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