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Posts posted by The_DarthMoogle

  1. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that.....(doesn't ask him to log in)

    One time I was cooking with some chillies a mate had given me to grow out in a window box. Didn't have a clue what they were.

    Long story short

    A. they were fucking hot

    B. I forgot to wash my hands after chopping them up

    C. I went for a pee shortly after

    D. I'm a bloke.


    EDIT : A handy hint, put your chillies in the freezer. It stops all the capsaicin from getting on your hands when cutting, but keeps in all the vitamins and heat that may otherwise be lost if you dry it.

  2. Lowest price? Your computer?

    It really depends what kind of server you wish to be running, and the people/plugins you want on it. Running any server requires some advance planning financially, and tekkit servers require a bit more juice. I run a private server for about 20 people (no) and my desktop just about does it. However my broadband usage is through the roof. So I won't recommend you anything, and I advise others not to, as you really need to think this through and search yourself. Otherwise your server will be in the the gutter before you even get the chance to make a godawful post about it later on ;D

  3. That was... a heavily contrived metaphorical point, but you can have it. :D

    By the way, half rotting means a fungal infection. Any dose of morphine will outright kill it, unless injected directly into the spine, which would be a somewhat impossible operation with a hamster. Poor old Hammy may live with some antibiotics, but wouldn't be able to scratch his balls from the paralysis.

  4. Aside from OP being a sissy,

    I'd say that it's far more enjoyable playing SMP with this.

    Ya know, Tank (me) heads in first, Ranger stays back. Mage definitely needs more AOE stuff though, it seems the ranger does too much of that at the moment. And party buffs. And lots more stuff, but hey, it's still alpha.

  5. You made your own technic?

    You think we can help you?

    You don't even know IC2 isn't even out for 1.2.5?


    EDIT : Isn't probating distribution of a dead person's property? If so, why is this person still posting bollocks?

    EDIT2 : My bad, thinking of legal probation, not criminal probation. My point still stands though.

  6. It's all a big trick, lulling everyone into a false sense of security. I'm working up to a really really big get bent. Several weeks so far working with a vocal coach. The audio and computer hardware is getting pretty expensive but it's really important that everyone on earth hears it and that I can follow up by banning the internet.

    I would pay you to record "GET BENT!" and have that as my ringtone. Fact.

  7. As long as 'teh interwebs' exists, there will always be complete airheads minging around looking for a free pass to whatever. Internet fame is the usual culprit. I love the fact that guy thought he could just grab a bunch of coders to do things for him. He couldn't even post a working video link.

    That's why I love this place, the whole sardonic attitude to everything. Pudding Huxtable's sticky is a rather good read. (tl;dr This place ain't Yogforums, these people will raep you)

  8. No need to apologise, it's where the cool kids hang out, as far as I know

    For reasons beyond me, running minecraft.jar just by clicking on it, or running in console is impossible for technic/tekkit/yogbox etc

    (Could be because there's billions of class files being called from different places)

    Other than that you're spot on.

    But why would this be necessary when your logs go in the log folder and error reports go there or on your desktop?

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