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Everything posted by bobmekensi

  1. Minecraft Account: bobmekensi + cindalee Age: old enough! Location: UK Tekkit Experience: self considered expert, (have yet to break a server !) Hours Played/Week: more than i probably should Additional Info: were a two person build team that specialize in jaw-dropping face palming strucutres
  2. so heres application Name: alex In-Game name: bobmekensi (don't ask why, i didn't pick it) How experienced are you (1-10)?: 10-9 What have you built in the past?: everything and anything, skyscrapers, a mosque, an arcology, underground city, cross world railway, shopping centre Could you share some pictures(better chance getting chosin)?: not at the moment if i can ind some ill put them up What do you prefer building?: underground buildings Skype: alexanderthomaschi
  3. no sorry, however completely unrelated. superron1221 its probably easier to learn once you have a computer, do you not have any computer you can use at the moment? not to host a server but to play on?
  4. hello, i am looking for some creative people to join me in a fresh world and do some survival. after a week or to i will start to install plugins and impose rules, for now though its a free for al!!! heres the ip, the port is important!!!
  5. have you made sure you've downloaded 64bit if you're system supports it? I've had the problem where because i used google chrome (which only supports 32bit) it would always download 32 bit for browser
  6. IGN: bobmekensi Age: 15 Timezone: GMT:+0 Tekkit experience: been playing for a while adminded on a friends server before, just played for ages on others A little about yourself: i love tekkie, i play it probably every day nearly, i love building big impressive buildings too
  7. hey, iv've just started a server and am looking for people to help, maybe we could team up?
  8. That is the real ip but the tekit server is on a diffrent port which i cant remember of the top of my head, i will post with the new port as soon as i get it
  9. the server is currently down becuseof technical issues , we just blew 2 psu's in about a week so were moving it overt to a new server i just got
  10. we tried just doing a cle`an install of tekkit server but it didn't work so were looking at doing a clean install of ubuntu and completely reinstalling everything from fresh then loading in the world with multiword
  11. ok thanks however whenever i try to run mcpc plus i get a long list of errors . i think the servers bugged becuase i tried installing a tekkit classic server to use plugins with and that aslo didnt work
  12. i hope to have plugiins working by the weekend.
  13. thankyou DARK_MAGIIX for only NUKING spawn!!
  14. ive tried hard what else am i missing ? im trying to make this good but i normally let other people handle these things thankyou
  15. tekkit in its freeist, no banned items or removed mods and ive fixed images and application form i posted it early by accident only meant to preview it to see if image worked
  16. Cyberia Craft, tekkit in its freeist Edit!!! the server is back to tekkit lite Rules: No racism or sexism of any kind. We take a strong mind to this and it will result in an immediate ban No griefing! Dont pester the OP's , they wont give you anything Do not spam the chat No offensive comments No cheating that includes things like X-ray mod packs. What we need: We need some people to help build the spawn and that, this is what we have so we are also looking for some people to help build some outlying villages we are looking for creative people to build some unique structures and others who can come on regularly to help make a thriving community we need people who have a passion for tekkit as well as those just looking to have a bit of fun the server is open to anyone of any age, nationality or gender however be warned we cant control other players language but we can sanction it the server is located in england so will offer better connections to people in europe/uk The current community : currently there are only a few players online who are all very friendly and will help you out if needed. i will be on most of the time to help get things started. the current commnity are mostly experienced builders who live in america. The server expected to have a 24/7 uptime however we cant guarantee it. We currently have a few people playing however we are looking to expand to a wider community to enhance current players experience. currently there is no whitelist so you can just join but to visit the main city you will need to apply for citizenship currently there are no plugins installed as we are working out the kinks. to apply for citizenship we just need some basic info laid out like so: IGN: age: Skype: (if you have it or you can PM it to me) what you want to do: currently you can build as soon as you log on but you can get to the new town without permission. the server is based upon similar themes to the game hydrophobia :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrophobia_(video_game) The Story; it is the year 2051 and the earths population has risen to the point where the earth can no longer sustain us so we have moved on to another fresh new world it has taken less than a decade to get there using the latest FTL transport however the stasis systems failed and we have lost a great deal of our population leaving only a few to colonize this new world.the ship has crashed into the ocean and has been extremely damaged. people escaped through escape pods and has left them scattered across the winds. your first job is to reach the city good luck!! P.S if you want to be a staff reach the city first!! and we will interview you weve nearly finished spawn now , here it is: ip:
  17. hello i read the notice board but nobody was online so could i please join or be unlocked please, my ign is bobmekensi and can i be a rebel please?
  18. weldone you have been whitelisted on cyberiacraft!!

  19. help! right so i did as instructed and folowed the instructuions to T and now none of the plugins load
  20. the server is now running on its original hardware and we are just waiting on the delivery of some fibre NICs to take advantage of our FTP internet service
  21. hey you guys we will be swapping over to a new server at 12:00 gmt because the current one is due maintenance. expect only a few minutes of downtime the new server has 6 gigs of ram and 2 quad core intel xeon processors
  22. youve been whitelisted on cyberia craft!

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