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Everything posted by Soupa

  1. I'm getting the same exact problem too. I've tried both www and beta.
  2. Period blood represents WOMENS RIGHTS. Hhahahha no just screwing with you what are deep meanings anyway.
  3. I thought the first one was too simple and unrefined so i buffed it up: Kept other one above to compare.
  4. Just did new picture: It's very deep the blood represents your period which represents loss of innocence so technically her mouth is her vagina. hahhaah no.
  5. Whats is the box? <:! YOUR WIF- i mean TABLET STYLUS.
  7. If i have 15 fish what is number????

  8. I'm very fishy.

  9. The theme is Her halo represents A BASKETBALL.
  10. Have some fallen angel shit. Bamboo create is also my new waifu.
  11. I thought this was my thread OOPS.
  12. I have used the tablet It's beautiful. And has HOT KEYS.
  13. AWWWW YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I got NEW TABLET. because old one broke. RIP BAMBOO FUN 2009-2013 WAS GOOD FRIEND. http://www.greensville.net/StorageLocker/Music/_Collections/_No%201%20Hits/No%201%20Hits%20in%201992/12.whitney%20houston%20-%20i%20will%20always%20love%20you.mp3
  14. I like this one better because SANIC (best results with volume on high.)
  15. Oops have your daily dose of SPACE JAM. (i lose it when i see HIS FACE JUST COMING AT ME)
  16. We all know that kaker is a OUROBOROS.
  17. What should i draw i'M BORED
  18. Opps did something when i should be SLEEPING: Fun fact: i have been spelling opps this whole time. It is spelled O_O_P_S. oops.
  19. Guys i'm have chest pains and a sore throat can fish have heart attacks wait whoa i hAVE A CHEST??? >sick Body producing more Phlegm and mucus to cover Esophagus and back of it is raw and tender Which you humans call A SORE THROAT. HAVE A TEST RUN OF FLASH:
  20. Learning to animate opps EDIT: just relized GIF isn't working so heres a link: http://25.media.tumblr.com/1ef0155efc4bce8c7a69daf8fa29c214/tumblr_mie653AZHp1r7mnzio1_r1_500.gif
  21. Haven't done any art because of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njDvmYjRztU&feature=youtu.be JUst WhY AND HoW?
  22. Now with hyperspeed
  23. My user name for skype is up more.
  24. You must join me and moose to go forth and fill the world with Japanese homes.
  25. oh wow i am just going at this thing. I have no life. will post some art later???
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