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  1. I wouldn't recommend trying to merge Tekkit and Hexxit. If you want to make factories, play Tekkit. If you want to a play dungeon crawling adventure pack, play Hexxit.
  2. Put a Pumpkin on your head.
  3. Doc, you need to run the JAR file with Java, not extract it. olo, go start your own thread, instead of hijacking others.
  4. Ahh, it was only a matter of time. Unfortunately we can't stop people from creating wikis. Yes, it would be super if everyone contributed to the same one but this is the internet and ideals are a rare thing. That said, I see no reason why they could not be approached. Wikia is actually a very good platform for independent wikis but the price you pay is lack of control on things such as ads. But the key thing to remember is that it's all running on Media Wiki, as it is 'the' wiki software. Wikia just adds a shell that makes it possible to build communities on any given subject very quickly, obviously the Technic community is already established, so doesn't need any help with that. I may just make contact with the founder and see what he/she has to say.
  5. I think only the future has the answer, so let's wait for it (my time machine isn't working yet).
  6. By default one will cover a 41 chunk area. You can, however, upgrade it by right clicking its sides with Red Meteor Gems. A total of 4 will get you a fully upgraded shield. However, I'm not sure how much land the upgrades progressively cover, but I do know that a fully upgraded shield covers a huge amount.
  7. Sorry for not getting back sooner (I was busy over the weekend). Anyway, the recipe templates are simple and complicated at the same time. We actually have two crafting table templates; one looks nice but doesn't allow animation of the images and the other is not as nice looking but could be made to support animation, if it doesn't already. I could make a tutorial on how to make new templates but I'm hesitant, due to the fact that I'm not sure which template base we should be using. If you can manage to hold on for a little bit longer, I'll see if I can raise sct on this.
  8. 'head honcho go to guy' might be going a bit far , but please feel free to ask any questions you've got! Also, the "What links here" page is indeed the best way to check what links point to a page.
  9. It's about time I dropped in on this thread... Content can only be deleted by admins. However, as weirleader said, the 'move' function is available to logged-in users, via the 'down-arrow' menu in the top right. If you are moving a page, only leave a redirect if it is really, really needed. It's much better to re-edit pages to correct the broken links. I know it can be a pain, but it will keep the wiki a lot cleaner and prevent problems down the line.
  10. Exciting times lie ahead!
  11. If you were referring to me, I can only apologise if you were mislead by the information I gave you. But I fail to see how this could be the case, I only ever referred to it as a 'dev' build and was very clear that it worked fine for "me", I never gave a guarantee that it would work fine for you. Nor did I say that you SHOULD use it, I was only making you aware that their was a more up-to-date 'dev' version available via the launcher. Let's not forget that you were the one raging about Tekkit being 'out of date'... and if you think that me trying to explain this to you in chat was 'trolling', you clearly don't know what trolling is. Sorry for disrupting the thread. Keep up the good work, CanVox!
  12. Nooooooo! My multi tanks :(
  13. Forum glitched out and posted twice :/
  14. Go into your .technic/tekkitmain/mods folder and copy and paste the 'ModularPowersuites' and 'MPSA' .jar files somewhere safe, then delete them from the mods folder. Start up Tekkit (it should load fine) and create a temporary test world. Open up the new world and, as soon as it has loaded, you can close down your Tekkit and copy and paste the 2 jar files you removed back into the mods folder. Your Tekkit should now launch fine.
  15. Yes, it will only spawn in new chunks. I would recommend doing all your mining in Mystcraft dimensions, as you create a new world when needed.
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