Why you want to join: looking for a decent sever to play onwithout the need to worry about children deciding to be stupid Age: 25 In-Game Name: rageoftheday What your good at: custom weapons etc Other: idk
IGN (In Game Name): rageoftheday
Age: 25
Why Horizon?: looking for a decent pve server to play w/o getting griefed
What is your goal on the server?: have a nice time
the main thing i was talking about is kiod and explosions off cause 1 person can bring creepers to anyones home and destoy it and it woud be natural griefing and if they bring to chests etc itll blow up the home and open the chests
does anyone have a preconfigured 3.1.2 version of plugins that do this im on a friends server but greif massivly happens because of this and we cant find a way to stop it....help